【Boing Boing】”A Potato That Wasn’t A Christian” is a 1960 pamphlet that’s not as funny as it sounds



"A Potato That Wasn't A Christian" is a 1960 pamphlet that's not as funny as it sounds
A Potato Wasn't A Christian: A Story For Children (not as Funny as it Sounds) is a 3-page Evangelical pamphlet published...



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意味 [P-]Pilgrim Fathers([the ~]ピルグリムファーザーズ (1620 年に英国から現在の米国に渡った 102 人の清教徒).) の一員.

A Potato Wasn’t A Christian: A Story For Children (not as Funny as it Sounds) is a 3-page Evangelical pamphlet published by the Pilgrim Tract Society in 1960 that, uhh, well, is exactly as the title suggests. Here’s the actual not-as-funny-as-it-sounds story, via Internet Archive and Christian Nightmares:



意味 〈人· 行いなどが〉(道徳的に) 悪い, 不道徳な, 不正の, よこしまな

A Christian is a person who has a new heart. God never changes the old heart: for the bible says it is desperately wicked and cannot be cured. God sais that it is so deceitful above all things,” that none can know it.


fix up

意味 〈人が〉〈物〉を修理 [修繕] する, 直す; 繕う; (米· くだけて)〈医者などが〉〈体の部位など〉を治療する (up)

You cannot always tell when a potato is bad at the heart, and it often looks fair and fine on the outside; but God knows what is in the heart. If you want to see how bad it is in the heart of a man who is not a Christian, then we will let the knife of God’s Word do for the human heart just what the knife did to the potato. Read Mark 7:21-23 and you will see the bad in the heart. The Christian has a new heart. There is no way to fix up the old heart. The new heart is created. It is a clean heart.


こういうね、「Read Mark 7:21-23」とかすぐに思い浮かんで暗誦できるじゃない、映画だと。なので聖書読んでおけば色々理解が深まるかと思ったんだよねぇ。
