【The Daily Meal】17 Italian Desserts To Get To Know

brown liquid in white ceramic cup 英語ニュース多読


17 Italian Desserts To Get To Know - The Daily Meal
If you're craving your fave brownie or pie, Italy likely has its own version. Indeed, there are plenty of Italian desser...



意味 (くだけて) [U]酒

Quite simply, zabaglione is a creamy, custard dessert infused with booze. Sometimes, this dessert is called zabaione or in English, sabayon. Although its exact origins are unknown, zabaglione is undoubtedly Italian, with one legend dating it back to 16th-century Turin and an early recipe found in a 1662 book by Bartolomeo Stefani, the head chef of the Republic of Venice (per Taste Atlas).



意味 貴族; 貴族 [上流] 階級の人

One of Italy’s oldest desserts, panforte’s origins date back to Siena in the Middle Ages, with the legend claiming that the dessert was made for religious aristocrats in Tuscany.



意味 [通例 be ~ of A]A〈人· 物など〉を思い出させる, 思わせる, しのばせる

Now, panforte is considered a winter dessert, as it is often enjoyed around Christmas. Somewhat reminiscent of a fruit cake, panforte is made by mixing fruits (sometimes candied), nuts, and an array of spices like cinnamon, clove, and coriander, in sugar, honey, and flour to create a cake-like dessert.



lady finger

意味 [C]レディーフィンガー (細長いクッキー).

If you’re a beginner to tiramisù, you should know that the dessert has ingredients simple enough to enjoy the dish in a restaurant or to make in your own kitchen. With only six ingredients — sugar, eggs, espresso, mascarpone, cocoa powder, and savoiardi, otherwise known as lady fingers — tiramisù is a classic, delicious Italian dessert that is easy to make.




意味 (かたく)〈物などが〉美的に優れた, 芸術美あふれる.

Italy’s general word for cookies, biscotti, can be found in several varieties just as American cookies can be. Brutti ma buoni — translated literally as “ugly but good” — is a type of Italian biscotti that are not very aesthetic to the eye, but still delicious, warranting the name. We can’t help but think of cookies such as no-bake cookies; they look like something you shouldn’t eat, but they are super tasty.



意味 〈人· 物· 情報など〉を除外する; あえて省く

Sometimes, the dish omitted any of the sweeter flavors, so instead of being served as a dessert, it was more of a savory snack or lunch dish. Like most Mediterranean cuisine, seadas are fried in olive oil, but they can be baked for a lighter version of the dessert.



意味 [U][C][通例~s](果物などの) シロップ漬け, ジャム (jam)

One of Sicily’s more famous desserts, cassata is a traditional dessert that is prepared by soaking genoise sponge cake in liqueur, then layering sweetened ricotta and fruit preserves before being finished with a marzipan shell and candied fruit. Similar to a cheesecake that uses ricotta, cassata cake is served around Easter and became a prominent aristocratic dish by the 14th century, per Taste Atlas.



意味 (特に人を笑わせるために)〈話し方· しぐさ〉をまねる, …の物まねをする

Torta mimosa appears much like the yellow flower, with ingredients like pineapple or lemon, custard, and even yellow dye to mimic the flower more. All it takes is two large layers of sponge cake that are wet with either pineapple juice or lemon juice, with a filling of lemon custard. It’s finished with icing, crumbled cake bits, and a little bit of sugar. While it tastes wonderful, the true pleasure is in the meaning.


