【Big Think】3 masterpiece books that told great stories through awful writing



3 masterpiece books that told great stories through awful writing
Many critics have tried to make a case for why some of the world’s most celebrated books are displays of terrible writin...

3つの「good book with bad writing(悪筆だが傑作)」文学作品について。

echo chamber

意味 エコールーム (放送· 録音用の共鳴壁のあるスタジオ).

It’s difficult to say exactly what makes someone a good writer, but it’s even harder to say what makes someone a bad writer. “The literary world,” Emily Temple of Lithub notes, “can be a bit of an echo chamber (…) if enough people say a book is ‘great,’ it becomes official. It becomes a Great Book, and horrified looks are administered to anyone who would dare disparage it.”



意味 [~ that 節]…ということに同意する

Even so, many readers concur that there are a number of books that are horribly written despite also being astounding works of literature. At first, this may seem paradoxical. After all, how can a book be good and bad at the same time? The answer is complicated, but essentially boils down to the fact that Literature with a capital L is about much more than syntax or narrative development.



意味 [C]上流階級の男性, 貴族 ((男女共用)noble, member of the nobility).

A popular example of a good book with bad writing is Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote, which follows a seemingly insane Spanish nobleman-turned-knight on a quest to prove that chivalry is still alive. Published in 1605, the writing of Don Quixote — its full title being The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha — is drawn-out and convoluted, even for the time.




意味 解釈; 説明 (すること)

Not everyone agrees with this interpretation, though, and some choose to believe that the book’s unreadability is intentional, rather than a reflection of Cervantes’ shortcomings as a writer. The nonsensical plot and the endless digressions, they argue, are not supposed to be taken at face value but as parodies on the “vain and empty books of chivalry” with which Don Quixote himself is obsessed.




意味 〈信念· 忠誠心など〉を打ち砕く; 〈物〉を悪くする, 損なう.

In the same interview, Wallace complains that Ellis tends to overwhelm his readers with unnecessary information, and that he goes to great lengths to create certain expectations only to subvert them later on. Wallace points to American Psycho, which “panders shamelessly to the audience’s sadism for a while, but by the end it’s clear that the sadism’s real object is the reader herself.”


American Psychoって原作あるんだ!…でも読みづらいなら先に映画見るほうが良さげかなw


意味 [U] <…に対する> (しばしば暴力を伴うほどの) 激怒, 憤慨 <at, over> (狂気に近いほどの怒り)

In the eyes of some readers, some supposed literary masterpieces are not just bad books, but bad books that are also badly written. Virginia Woolf, a pioneer of 20th century modernism, directed her fury at another pioneer of 20th century modernism: James Joyce. She specifically criticized his 1918 book Ulysses, which is about a man who makes an Odyssey-inspired journey through the streets of Dublin.




意味 (かたく) (特に道義的理由で)〈事· 人〉を嫌悪 [憎悪] する (hate の強意語; 進行形にしない) .

Neither Woolf nor Tolstoy appear to have been aware of their biases. If they were, they did not admit to it in their writing. The same cannot be said for Mark Twain. The creator of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn absolutely abhorred the writing of Jane Austen. But unlike other critics, he was able to recognize that his loathing was ridiculous and based mainly on personal preference.




意味 〈人が〉<…に対して>〈事実· 感情など〉を秘密にする <from>

“I haven’t any right to criticize books,” he explained in a letter from 1898, “and I don’t do it except when I hate them. I often want to criticize Jane Austen, but her books madden me so that I can’t conceal my frenzy from the reader; and therefore I have to stop every time I begin. Every time I read Pride and Prejudice I want to dig her up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone.”

