【TIME】Yes, Single People Can Be Happy and Healthy

woman in white long sleeve shirt raising her hands 英語ニュース多読


Yes, Single People Can Be Happy and Healthy
For a growing number of people, singlehood isn't a second-best option or a failure to find a partner



意味 [C] <…という> 仮定, 想定, 憶測, 仮説 <that 節> (証拠はないが正しいと考えていることを暗示)

Forget everything you think you know about being single—starting with the assumption that it means ready to mingle.



意味 警告, 忠告; 注意書き.

Another important caveat: The singles who have the hardest time with their relationship status tend to be divorced people. Traditionally, research hasn’t accounted for the fact that about 39% of marriages end in divorce. “There’s evidence suggesting that when people get divorced, it can have lasting negative effects,” MacDonald says. Widowhood is also associated with poor mental health, and can lead to grief, depressive symptoms, and loneliness.




意味 〈問題· 事実などが〉興味をそそる, 実におもしろい, 魅力ある.

As the new science of singlehood crystallizes, here are some of the most intriguing insights that researchers have uncovered.



意味 〈人が〉〈仕事· 命令など〉を厳しく命令する, 押しつける, (頭ごなしに) 指令する

Research backs that up. In one study published in 2022, hundreds of men and women were surveyed about what makes single life attractive, and they rated the top benefits as having more time for themselves, being able to focus on their goals, and not having anyone else dictate their actions.




意味 [U]自尊心, 自負

What’s a single longing for love to do? Kislev says it’s key to find ways to enjoy your current relationship status. Even if you eventually want to couple up—based on your own desires, not those of, say, your parents—take stock of the benefits of your singleness. Regularly engaging in hobbies and self-care activities can boost self-esteem and overall life satisfaction, he says. So can a sense of purpose, achieved perhaps by volunteering or pursuing a passion.


marital status

意味 (かたく) 婚姻状況, 配偶者の有無

Kislev has studied the connection between loneliness and marital status in old age, and his findings indicate that married seniors are the least lonely group, followed by those who never married. Both groups were less lonely than people who were widowed, divorced, or separated. The findings indicate that “long-term singles, in particular, develop strong social ties, self-sufficiency, and a sense of purpose over their lifetime,” he says.




意味 (失敗もあるが) さまざまな場面に対応する〈解決策など〉.

In reality, there’s no one-size-fits-all definition of “happily ever after,” DePaulo says, and it’s possible to reach that vaunted place alone. If you’re single but worried about what others think of you, “live your single life fully, joyfully, and unapologetically,” she advises. “People who try to stigmatize you are the ones who should be embarrassed—not you.”


