【TIME】Changing Your Diet and Lifestyle May Slow Down Alzheimer’s

woman in white long sleeve shirt raising her hands 英語ニュース多読


Changing Your Diet and Lifestyle May Slow Down Alzheimer's
In a study of people with cognitive issues or early Alzheimer's, a vegan diet and exercise plan led to improvements.



意味 (かたく)[通例[名]の前で]認知 [認識] の [に関する, を要する].

Lately, the biggest news in Alzheimer’s has been around a new drug treatment that can slow cognitive decline by nearly 30% among people in the early stages of the disease. In coming months, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expected to make a decision about another such promising therapy.



意味 集中的な〈講座· 訓練など〉

In the trial, an intensive program of diet, exercise, stress reduction, and social interaction slowed the progression of cognitive decline as measured on standard tests for dementia, and even improved some people’s symptoms. The study was conducted by Dr. Dean Ornish, founder and president of the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute and professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, and a team of scientists. It appeared in the journal Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy.


address A

意味 A〈問題· 課題など〉に取り組む, 専念する ((よりくだけて)deal with)

Previous studies have shown that moderate changes in lifestyle can lead to some slowing in cognitive decline, so Ornish and his team decided to test whether a more in-depth, formal program of behavior changes could slow brain changes even further. Ornish had previously developed the program to address heart disease risk and showed that the combination of improved diet, exercise, stress reduction, and social engagement could significantly lower the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.



意味 [C] [医] 摂生, 養生法 (健康のための食事· 運動· 投薬などの規制).

To those who question whether people can stick to a vegan diet, exercise regimen, stress management, and support group schedule, Ornish points to the power of positive versus negative messaging when it comes to making behavior changes. “When people feel better and see changes, that reframes the motivation from fear of dying to joy of living, which is more sustainable,” he says. Anecdotally, some people participating in the program reported being able to pick up reading again, which they had to give up when their Alzheimer’s made it impossible to follow story lines and remember characters, Ornish says.




意味 〈物· 信頼· 士気など〉を支える, 強化する, 励ます.

His team next hopes to continue following this group of patients, as well as include more people from diverse backgrounds to bolster the data. He is also eager to see how the program might work together with lecanemab and any other drugs that may get approved for Alzheimer’s.


