【TIME】8 Ways to Read More Books—And Why You Should

white opened book beside tray 英語ニュース多読


8 Ways to Read More Books—And Why You Should
Start small, track your books, experiment with different formats, and seek out community



意味 〈財産· 土地· 証拠品など〉を没収 [押収] する

That rule served me well in third grade, when I sneakily read The Baby-Sitters Club under my desk during math class. (After my teacher confiscated it, I pulled out another.) It’s kept me busy on airplanes, during long drives, while taking a breather in the middle of a hiking trail, and in the corner of social gatherings. (Yes, I’m a blast at parties…if you want to debate the umpteenth remake of Pride and Prejudice.)



意味 [通例[名]の前で]熱烈な, 激しい〈情熱· 野心など〉.

I love to read—and wish I could do more of it—because it’s an effective and entertaining way to quiet my always-busy brain. Reading also comes with health perks: Research suggests that devouring books helps keep the mind sharper for longer, while lowering heart rate and feelings of psychological distress. Plus, reading before bed can improve sleep quality.



意味 〈仕事· 見通しなどが〉(人を) ひるませるような, 気をくじく.

Short works like these aren’t as daunting as longer tomes and can motivate you to find a reading routine that will work best for you, Moreno says.




意味 (かたく)…を熟読 [精読] する; (時におどけて)…を読む, …に目を通す (read).

I log every book I’ve read, and the date I finished it, in a Word doc. I also like the Goodreads app; It’s a fun way to easily log the books you have or want to read, see what your friends are reading, and peruse other readers’ reviews.




意味 発言を促す言葉; (考えを促す) 提言, 問いかけ

One way to spice up your reading life is to join a reading challenge—and there are lots to choose from. The Barnes & Noble 2023 Book Challenge, for instance, consists of 52 prompts: Read an anthology, an author who’s new to you, a book that includes a map, something set in the 1700’s, or a title that scares the pants off you. Other challenges focus on decolonizing your bookshelf and revisiting the classics.




意味 [~ to do]<…に>…すること […ということ] を誓う

If you don’t want to put a number on it, pledge to spend a specific part of each day reading. Wolf, for example, reserves 15 minutes every morning to read; if she’s unable to, she opens her book at night instead. “It centers you,” she says of the dedicated reading time. “It makes you realize you’re just a single human being with a precious sanctuary inside that no one knows about but you.”




意味 [~ A+[副]](無理に)A〈人· 物など〉を押し込む, 詰め込む

Being open to different formats, including e-books and audiobooks, is a great way to squeeze in more reading time, Moreno says. (And to quickly settle that debate: Yes, listening to an audiobook counts as reading, our experts agree.) For example, if you’re waiting in line at the store, you can read a few pages on your Kindle. Or if you’re driving, walking the dog, or folding the laundry, why not turn on an audiobook?




意味 (かたく)〈物などが〉美的に優れた, 芸術美あふれる.

One of my favorite corners of Instagram is #Bookstagram, where readers post aesthetically pleasing photos of their favorite books. You can also get to know fellow book enthusiasts from around the globe via communities like Goodreads, The StoryGraph, and LibraryThing. These sites offer “a social connection that’s really helpful, because reading can be a very solitary experience,” Moreno says.

