【COLLIDER】Henry Cavill Reveals the Most Challenging Scene of His Career and It Wasn’t ‘Man of Steel’



Henry Cavill Reveals the Most Challenging Scene of His Career and It Wasn't 'Man of Steel'
"It was just having to suck it up and do that for at least two weeks. That was rough."

Mission: Impossibleで大変だったシーンを語るの巻。
「Mission: Impossible – Fallout. 」はアマプラにあるのでぜひ。私この作品しか見てないんだけど(もちろんカヴィル氏目当てで)、あまり深く考えず楽しめる映画なのでぜひ…ってみんな知ってるかw


意味 (ややかたく) [[ participate in A ]] A〈活動· 行事など〉に参加する, (積極的に) 関与する

One of Henry Cavill’s most fun roles is certainly as Millie Bobby Brown’s brother Sherlock Holmes in the Enola Holmes franchise. However, the actor has participated in so many high-profile movies – including new Superman adventures that are yet to be announced – that we can’t help but wonder: how much fun does he have on set?



意味 〈人· 行動が〉大胆な, 向こう見ずな, 勇敢な (bold)

The sequence described by Cavill is just one of the many daring stunts pulled in Mission: Impossible – Fallout.



意味 (かたく) (活動の) とぎれ, 中断; 空白, 割れ目

The Mission: Impossible film series is set to return to theaters after a five-year hiatus with a final story spread across two movies.


発音は「 /haɪéɪtəs/ 」むずかしー

Dead Reckoning

意味 : the determination without the aid of celestial observations of the position of a ship or aircraft from the record of the courses sailed or flown, the distance made, and the known or estimated drift

Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One premieres in July 2023 after getting delayed, and Part Two hits movie theaters in June 2024.


調べたら、Reckoningだけだと「(行動· 怠慢などへの) 審判; 報い, 応報 」という意味だったけど、どうもDead Reckoningでこの意味らしい。ふむ。 「Mission: Impossible」シリーズ、次が最終作予定なんだね。宇宙で撮影とかだっけ。トム様の金と体力あるんやからやったれやったれ精神好きw
