【The New Yorker】The Ridiculous Egg Machine That Changed My Breakfast Game



The Ridiculous Egg Machine That Changed My Breakfast Game
It breaks all my kitchen rules, and yet, here I am, every morning, making myself a fussy little hotel breakfast.

ゆで卵メーカーにまつわる読み物(しかもThe New Yorker)なんてそら読むわ。
Dash Rapid Egg Cookerでぐぐったらまさに私が愛用してるゆで卵メーカーが載ってて笑った(元記事サムネのと同じ構造)。世界共通で愛用されてるの嬉しいw


意味 [~ B with A]B〈体· 物など〉に A〈液体· クリームなど〉を塗り付ける, なすりつける

I don’t come from a family of egg people. When I was growing up, my dad’s breakfast was a rotating selection of PowerBars, which he would buy in bulk from Costco and eat in the car on the way to work. My mother tended to skip breakfast and mainline black coffee instead. Maybe there would be a plastic mini-cup of yogurt, or a piece of toast smeared with the lightest wisp of Country Crock.




意味 <…に>〈穴〉をあける <in, through>

First, poke a tiny hole in each eggshell with the included thumbtack-like thingy, then nestle the ovoids gently into the machine’s six circular divots. Use the measuring cup—which is marked with lines for soft-, medium-, and hard-boil—to pour water into the base. Finally, press the Start button. You can’t really miss it, as the device has no other buttons at all.




意味 [C]孵卵 [孵化] 器

You can, however, mistakenly press the button before adding the water, in which case your cheerful breakfast incubator will make the hissing wail of a broken radiator. This is not an elegant marriage of art and science. When the machine has done its work, it does not open gracefully to reveal the eggs. It just fogs up like a locker-room mirror and lets you pry the lid off yourself.



意味 [C] (かたく)[通例 a ~]過多, 過剰

Once you have a plethora of perfect eggs, they seem to demand increasingly baroque accoutrements. I now own many egg cups (the best are vintage, from eBay, in opaque milk glass or painted porcelain), egg spoons (smaller than an English teaspoon, larger than a Turkish one), and an egg “clacker.” The latter, which looks like something borrowed from a mohel, uses a spring-loaded system to slice away a circular bit of shell, for easy access.



意味 [U] (かたく) (特定グループの) 言葉, 用語

My personal castle-breakfast routine also includes toast, which I cut into strips (“soldiers” in restaurant parlance), and fresh O.J. Somehow, during the six months that I have owned the egg machine, it has become a crucial part of my imaginative life, a shortcut for turning my apartment, for a brief moment each morning, into a hotel of the mind.




意味 (けなして)〈服· 家具· 文体などが〉凝った, 手の込んだ, ごてごてした.

I am not alone in this. Everyone I know who has an egg machine passes the good word along to the uninitiated, sounding almost suspicious in their enthusiasm. They clarify that nobody paid them to do this, really. (Nobody has paid me to do this, really!) They just believe in the vibe-shifting power of a fussy breakfast. And so do I.
