【The Daily Meal】What Is Sweet Red Bean Paste And How Is It Used?

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What Is Sweet Red Bean Paste And How Is It Used? - The Daily Meal
Whether enjoyed as a filling in steamed buns or used as a topping for shaved ice, anko adds new dimension to your recipe...



意味 富.

Just like soba, a Japanese New Year’s tradition that involves eating buckwheat noodles to attract prosperity and good health, red beans are associated with fortune. For this reason, Japanese people use them to make a filling for sticky rice cakes, a key ingredient in Ozohni mochi, a New Year’s soup that symbolizes joy, health, and abundance. Similarly, Koreans eat red bean paste to protect themselves from evil spirits. This ingredient is also a key component of chapssaltteok, a Korean dessert associated with good luck.




意味 (かたく)[a ~ of A](きわめて) 多数の A〈人· 物· 事〉(A は[C]名詞の複数形)

With its creamy texture, red bean paste is suitable for a multitude of desserts. Its flavor is sweet and savory at the same time, with notes of chocolate and walnuts. Depending on your preferences, you can make smooth or mashed anko and try different recipes. For example, Tsubu-an is made with whole red beans and has a chunky texture, whereas Koshi-an and Tsubushi-an require crushing the beans. Some recipes call for chestnuts, white beans, raw honey, butter, and other ingredients.




意味 [U] (洗剤用) 灰汁 ; 苛性アルカリ溶液 (水酸化ナトリウムや水酸化カリウムなどの水溶液).

Another option is to soak the beans overnight, which will help reduce the cooking time. After that, bring them to a boil and then simmer them until soft. Drain the beans, blend them until smooth, and mix them with sugar. Last, fry them in oil while mashing them with a fork or spatula. Feel free to add a pinch of salt, cornstarch, dark brown sugar, or walnuts. You may also use butter or coconut oil for a creamier texture, or lye water (kansui) for a deeper color.



意味 選択 (した行動)

As far as storage goes, your best bet is to transfer the paste to an airtight container and place it in the fridge. Consume it within one week, or freeze it for up to one month. If you have a large batch of anko, use it in cookies, cakes, popsicles, dumplings, sandwiches, waffles, and other everyday dishes. Your imagination is the only limit.


