【The New York Times】Will We Ever Understand Addiction? (Published 2022)



Will We Ever Understand Addiction? (Published 2022)
Carl Erik Fisher’s book, “The Urge,” partly a memoir of his own alcoholism, provides an overview of the many approaches ...



意味 明白な, 誤解の余地がない

Our culture, ever on the lookout for easy, unambiguous answers to the predicament of being flawed and often unhappy humans, is a sucker for all-encompassing, reductive paradigms like “addiction” and, more recently, “trauma.” What these tropes share is a medley of explanations, depending on whom you listen to, some of them leaning toward nurture and some toward nature and some again toward a perfect storm of both.



意味 養育; 教育, しつけ; 助長

The nurture camp depends on an elasticized frame of psychological reference that aims to link addiction to psychic wounds and self-destructive behavior going back to family dysfunction and socioeconomics. The nature camp posits neuroscience as the cause, making wobbly claims for an as yet unprovable biological origin of addiction — some sort of neurological dysfunction — predicated on inconclusive interpretations of brain imaging that focused not long ago on dopamine as the culprit. (A 1997 Time cover story described dopamine as “the master molecule of addiction.”)


この単語調べたすぐ後に、「nature camp」とも書かれてて、ミススペルなのか正しいのか(2つの考え方を比較してるのか)分からなくなって、この記事読み始めたことを後悔したw まだまだ私には早い難しいw


意味 骨折り, 労苦; 困難; 苦痛.

And sometimes the travails of addiction are ascribed to an intrinsic vulnerability that is exacerbated by external factors.



意味 〈本などが〉(人を) 夢中にさせる; (我を忘れさせるほど) おもしろい.

Just to name several that come to mind, in 2018 there was Leslie Jamison’s careening but also absorbing “The Recovering: Intoxication and Its Aftermath,” about her struggle with drinking even as she created a blazing career as a writer. In 1995 there was the poet Michael Ryan’s harrowing “Secret Life,” about his sexual addiction.


「struggle with drinking」関連の本は色々読みたい。


意味 (しばしば非難して)〈特定の考え方· 信念〉に偏った.

“Scientists and other scholars seemed bitterly divided, always talking past one another. Some insisted that addiction was primarily a brain disease. Others claimed that this brain-centric view blinded us to the psychological, cultural and social dimensions, including trauma and systems of oppression.”



意味 混乱した, 乱雑な〈時· 所· 状態など〉.(心身が) 不調の, 病気の

As long ago as ancient Greece, it seems that Aristotle, Socrates and Plato were arguing over the problems of self-control, internal conflict and resolve, passing judgment on which factor played a greater role in what Fisher refers to as “disordered choice.”



意味 [宗] 異端, 異端の行動 [信仰].

We learn that the first person to use the word “addict” was apparently John Frith in 1533, who secretly belonged to the Protestant Reformation and was burned alive for heresy. The sense in which he used it, Fisher explains, was not as a helpless compulsion but as “an active process of giving over one’s agency, a choice to give up choice” — which mirrored Augustine’s preoccupation with “the bondage of the will.”



意味 精神に作用する〈薬· 物質など〉.

From here on, the book widens out to discuss the notion of “epidemics” — what one historian who is quoted called “the psychoactive revolution,” which included opium (most notably and creatively used by Samuel Taylor Coleridge), tobacco and coffee.


禁酒始めてからコーヒー・お茶(紅茶から始まって緑茶に落ち着きそう)の摂取量が増えてます。まあ酒タバコよりはマシだからOKOK! あ、香水好きなので「opium」はするっと覚えられました。ふふん。

オピウム一覧 | 女性用フレグランス・香水 | イヴ・サンローラン・ボーテ公式オンラインブティック