【The New York Times】A Foolproof Recipe for Korokke (Published 2022)



A Foolproof Recipe for Korokke (Published 2022)
There are endless ways to make these fried Japanese delights your own.



意味 いらいらするほど

There are dishes we cook, and then there are dishes we cook toward. These are the meals that follow us in memory — sometimes annoyingly, sometimes enticingly — after we’ve washed the dishes, or the next morning over coffee, a quick flickering before we’re battered by the day. These recipes expand and contract, growing right beside us. They’re like the idea of home.



意味 [複合語で]…を多く持った, 抱えた

In Japanese, hoku hoku is an expression for dishes that are textured, flavorful, warm and starch-laden; no matter the variety, korokke fit the bill. You could eat one or two or 10 on their own. You could pair them with shredded cabbage. And, with the croquettes nestled between slices of milk bread and lavished in kewpie mayo, a korokke sandwich is a revelation.



意味 (主に英) 〈思考などが〉整然とした

But it requires patience. Early attempts left me burned by oil. I’d add too much filling. I wouldn’t add enough. I’d roll them in too little panko, or entirely too much. The frying oil was too hot. The oil wasn’t hot enough. Most devastating, the korokke’s eventual shape looked nothing like the crisp, tidy rows from the homes of friends’ mothers, who insisted that the only way to get better was to keep cooking it (they were right).



pull off A

意味 (くだけて)A〈事〉を苦労して成し遂げる.

But even if I couldn’t pull off the ideal korokke myself, there were always beacons out in the world. Like the paper-bag-bundled korokke in the center of San Jose’s Mitsuwa Marketplace. Or a flight of kabocha croquettes at San Francisco’s Izakaya Rintaro. And most recently, from a strip-mall restaurant in Los Angeles called Delish.


