【The Daily Meal】Where Did The Breakfast Dish Egg-In-A-Hole Originally Come From?



Where Did The Breakfast Dish Egg-In-A-Hole Originally Come From? - The Daily Meal
It goes by many names, but what are the origins of the breakfast food, egg-in-a-hole? We take a look at where the belove...



意味  トードインザホール (衣を付けて焼いたソーセージ).

Egg-in-a-hole goes by many names, which is probably one of the reasons why we might’ve grown up thinking that our parents or grandparents invented the dish. But whether you call it “basket eggs,” “eggs with a hat,” “bird-in-the-nest,” or “toad-in-the-hole,” this easy and satisfying dish has a long history of delighting kids, and kids at heart.


ソーセージになってるやんけ!w まあ、家庭ごとに呼び方が違うってことですね。


意味 〈説明などが〉不明瞭な, わかりにくい.

The exact origins of egg-in-a-hole are a little murky, but it seems to have been brought over to the U.S. by European immigrants (per Eater).


the greatest thing since sliced bread

意味 (話) 最上のもの; 人気のある人 [物].

It might seem commonplace now, but there was a time when bread was only sold as a whole loaf and you had to cut the slices yourself, hence the old saying, “It’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.”




意味 [a ~/~s of A]無数の A

What trips people up when trying to trace the origins of egg-in-a-hole is the myriad of names. My Recipes identified at least 66 in 2018, but if you were to peruse any comments section on a recipe or scroll through where cooks hang out on social media, there are many more. It seems like part of the tradition is to come up with new names for the same dish.



意味 ポップオーバー (中が空洞になったロールパン [マフィン] の一種).

“We call it a ‘Walter Winchell,'” said one commenter on The New York Times. Another grew up calling it “frog in the pond.” Over on Reddit, one person said, “I know that it makes absolutely zero sense, but in my family, we call it ‘hole in the egg.'” And another added, “Different family members called it a ‘frog in the hole,’ ‘egg in a basket’ or ‘toad hole.'” Don’t, however, confuse it for the British recipe for “toad-in-a-hole,” which is made with sausage and a popover.


あ、ここで数段落前に調べたtoad-in-the-holeの謎が明かされたw confuseしたわー。
