【The Daily Meal】What Exactly Is A Louisiana Crunch Cake?

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What Exactly Is A Louisiana Crunch Cake? - The Daily Meal
Louisiana crunch cake has mysterious history, but one thing we know for certain is that it's a truly delicious must-try ...

Louisiana crunch cakeについて。


意味 [a ~/~s of A]厚く切った A〈石· 肉· パンなど〉

It’s mid-afternoon, and what better accompaniment to a floral cup of tea or a deliciously bitter coffee than a warm slab of cake? If a simple cake with a sweet glaze and a touch of coconut sounds good to you, then Louisiana crunch cake should be on your list to try.



意味 〈人· 物などが〉(はっとするほど) きれいな, 魅力的な, すばらしい

This dessert is a stunning but simple centerpiece, and the ultimate partner for whichever beverage you like to consume in the afternoon for a nice break from the activity of the day.



意味 [~ A to do]A を…するよう修正 [変更] する

A classic Louisiana crunch cake embraces earthy, nutty, and creamy flavors, and you can modify the recipe to emphasize certain aspects of the cake.



意味 <…で>〈物· 人〉を置き換える <with, by> (for を用いた形が最も一般的; with, by の形は誤用とされる場合がある)

If you’re a diehard fan of coconut, you may consider incorporating coconut extract into the cake batter, or substituting the heavy cream in the glaze with coconut milk. Either will produce a cake that subtly or loudly hums with coconut’s rich and nutty flavor. Any way you modify it, Louisiana crunch cake is the ultimate comfort cake that offers everything you’d desire in a delightful afternoon treat.

