【Cinemablend】Call Me By Your Name’s Heartbreaking Ending Explained



Call Me By Your Name's Heartbreaking Ending Explained
It's a tender, heartbreaking and thought-provoking ending.

映画「Call Me By Your Name」のエンディングについて。

to put it bluntly

意味 ずばり言えば.

To put it bluntly, Call Me By Your Name has one of the most heartbreaking and beautiful endings I’ve ever seen. After showing this gorgeous whirlwind of a summer fling, Luca Gadagnino uses his directorial mastery to rip the rug out from under us, and Timothée Chalamet gives an absolutely devastating performance as Eilo, culminating in the moving, sad and somewhat hopeful ending of Call Me By Your Name.



意味 痛切に, 強く〈感じる〉

The final act of the film begins with Elio and Oliver (Armie Hammer) going on a little trip together. It’s a romantic getaway, however, they’re both keenly aware that this could be the end of their relationship. Elio is a changed person at the end of this whirlwind romance, and because of how life-changing this season was for him, he’s clearly devastated about Oliver leaving him.




意味 〈思想· 事実など〉を要約する .

“He loves, and in loving, he becomes.” What a perfect way to encapsulate what happens at the end of Guadagnino’s film. However, there are three major moments that get us to this point, so let’s break them down.



意味 [文修飾; しばしば最上級· 比較級の前で]まず間違いなく, きっと, おそらく (反対が見込まれる主張に十分な根拠があることを示す)

Arguably, one of the best scenes in this whole film is the conversation between Elio and his father, Mr. Perlman. While never obvious, this speech clearly shows how much empathy Stuhlbarg’s character has for his son.



意味 (主に書)〈感情· 思い出など〉をしまい込む, 葬り去る

He mentions envying Elio’s relationship, but also notes how much he loves that his son found love in the carefully worded monologue. Overall, this moment between father and son is hopeful, while he’s not outwardly acknowledging what happened, he’s noting that Elio should not be ashamed or bury his feelings, he should feel them. The final lines of Elio’s dad’s monologue are:



意味 迷う, ためらう.

I’ve teetered back and forth with the meaning of this monologue. Is Elio’s father a closeted gay man who wanted to have what Elio and Oliver had? Is he simply acknowledging that he knew what was going on with Elio? It’s unclear, but one thing is for sure, Chalamet’s character is fully supported by his father.



意味 [a ~] すばらしい [楽しい, 役に立つ] 物 [事]

This revelation shows Elio, and the audience, that he’s not alone in this sad moment. It also means this speech and advice is coming from a man who knows exactly what he’s going through, and it’s reaffirming to know that things will get better, so long as you find joy in everything. In my interpretation of the film, I see this moment as the reason Elio feels allowed to feel his feelings in the final moments of the film after the phone call he receives from Oliver.



意味 〈事· 物〉をとても心配する

You can feel the simultaneous excitement and dread in Chalamet’s performance as he speaks to his first love. They talk for a bit, before Elio’s parents hop on the line to excitedly say hello. We find out Oliver is engaged, to a woman, and in response Elio calls Oliver by his name, evoking the title of the movie, and sending both of them back to their first romantic moments together.


