【Boing Boing】George Orwell on the real meaning of Animal Farm: get rid of the pigs

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George Orwell on the real meaning of Animal Farm: get rid of the pigs | Boing Boing
Like most Americans, I was forced to read George Orwell’s Animal Farm at some point in high school. And, like most Ameri...

オーウェル「動物農場(Animal Farm)」の解釈について。

Animal Farm: The Graphic Novel
A beautiful graphic adaptation of George Orwell's timel…


意味 [U][具体例では an (…) ~/~s]<…という> 含意, 含み; 暗示 <that 節>

The implication here was that these authoritarian tragedies existed in diametric opposition to the the unique American-ness of our freedoms. Clearly, we were taught that Animal Farm says, it was foolish of the animals to overthrow the farmer, because everyone was happier under the farmer’s iron fist. Because capitalism is good, see.




意味 解釈; 説明 (すること)

Hell, even the CIA pushed this interpretation.



意味 (かたく)[[名]の前で]公然の; 自ら認めた; 公言された〈意図など〉

In reality, Orwell himself was an avowed socialist and anti-fascist. And in a 1946 letter that he wrote to his friend Dwight Macdonald, which was republished in George Orwell: Life in Letters, Orwell expanded upon his intentions behind the noted animal allegory. Macdonald had written to Orwell that the anti-Stalinists were upholding the book as an example that “revolution always ended badly for the underdog.”



意味 [C] <…の/…用の> 改作 (物), 脚色作品 <of/for>

A footnote in George Orwell: Life in Letters also mentions that, after this exchange, Orwell was working on a BBC radio adaptation of Animal Farm, and expanded on that turning point moment in the script to make his message more clear. Unfortunately, those changes were cut before broadcast. (Because of course they were.)



意味 利他 (主義) の (⇔egotistic, selfish) .

Our entry into the Korean and Vietnam wars reflect very well upon the American people. The motive was not imperialistic at all, but genuinely altruistic. We were willing to send our children off to war to protect, as we saw it — as we were told to see it — to protect the freedom of other nations. And like Ender, if we were lied to, we’re still not responsible for the actions we took based on what we believed.




意味 [C][通例~s]反乱者, 暴徒 (rebel); (米) (党内の) 反対分子.

Whatever you think about the Death of the Author, I do think it’s interesting to consider that Animal Farm was literally written as a blueprint for the next generation of liberationary insurgents — and yet, was still appropriated and neutered by the US education system.



意味 粗悪な.

It was bastardized and warped into a warning that the proletariat can’t take care of ourselves, that we need the landlords and the capitalist class in order to truly thrive, and that the class divide is just society’s natural way of keeping everyone happy. It’s a curious to juxtapose against the memetic pop culture symbolism of 1984. Big brother is bad, you see; we all agree on that.



意味 (かたく)…を深く尊敬する, あがめる

But the bosses and business owners who keep us in line as they reap the rewards of our labor? They’re good, and we should not question them, but rather revere them for that goodness.
