【Chronicle Live】I completed the Shaun The Sheep on the Tyne art trail in just one day and it was a mammoth task



I completed the Shaun The Sheep trail in a day and it was a mammoth task
With 115 different sculptures, I made it my mission to see every single one on the same day

Shaun The Sheepのオブジェイベントについて。全制覇された方の記事。

Shaun The Sheep On The Tyne Art Trail | St Oswald's Hospice
Shaun the Sheep on the Tyne Art Trail 2023 is raising funds for St Oswald’s Hospice. It's a new, free public art trail c...


意味 〈全体が〉〈(複数の) 部分〉から成る

The Shaun The Sheep on the Tyne art trail has been incredibly well received by people in Newcastle since it opened two weeks ago. Comprising of 115 different Shaun The Sheep sculptures that are located in the city centre and beyond, the trail is giving families the opportunity to see as many of them as they can over the summer.




意味 [通例[名]の前で; the ~]前述の, 前記の (aforesaid) .

So, at 9am I jumped on a metro over to the first stop on my journey and, after deciding it would be best to get one of the furthest away places first, I travelled to the aforementioned Newcastle Airport. After stopping off for a quick photo with Shaun and his suitcase, I was on the board, and got back on the metro to my next stop.




意味 (主に米)[[形][副]を修飾して](予想以上で) 非常に, かなり, 思いのほか, 相当 (very)

By that stage, I arrived at Exhibition Park, finding a heart-themed Shaun before heading down to the Great North Museum. The Museum itself has quite the Shaun The Sheep presence, with a large disco-themed Shaun outside, and ten smaller Shaun’s dotted around the exhibits, designed by different primary schools and nurseries in the region.




意味 中心点.

I was then across the main road and over to Newcastle Civic Centre, the epicentre of the Shaun The Sheep trail. I first went up to the Hancock Gallery to see a Shaun with his head poking through a frame, that just so happened to be the Mona Lisa.



settle for A

意味 (一歩譲って)A〈物· 事〉で我慢しておく, (我慢して)A〈事· 物〉で手を打つ

At the Civic Centre, their were two Shaun’s to see, one of which is the classically designed version of the character that we all know and love, with the other being part of a ‘Bestie Bench’ that has been designed especially. I also learned here that one of the Shaun’s had been taken off the trail for repairs, so I would have to settle for 114.




意味 (英· くだけて)[~+[副]]すばやく [ちょっと] 行く (hurry) ([副]は方向の表現)

I moved down towards some of the most iconic sights in the city, finding Shaun’s at Grey’s Monument, Old Eldon Square, the Theatre Royal and Newcastle Cathedral, where I came across two large Shaun’s and a flock of five small ones. I then nipped back up to Pilgrim Street to find the next one, before finding two more at Laing Art Gallery and Newcastle City Library.



意味  隣接して, 隣の; 付近の

My next stop was the iconic St James’ Park, where I spotted Shaun decked out in a Newcastle United kit, designed by Wor Flags. The adjacent Strawberry Place is also the home of a Shaun, with an aptly-themed strawberry Shaun in pride of place, where the NUFC fan zone will soon be situated.


発音は「 /ədʒéɪs (ə)nt/ 」なので「アジャッセント」じゃない。


意味 [通例[名]の前で]働きに値する, よく働いたご褒美の; 当然の, 働きでかち得た〈休憩など〉.

At this point, I had to get back on the metro and travel, first to Walkergate, and then Byker, seeing Shaun’s along the river, at Seven Stories and at The Biscuit Factory. I finished off my tour at around 7pm with two more Shaun’s in Benwell, before heading to Newburn to collect the final one, and then home for a well-earned rest.
