【The New York Times】China’s Information Dark Age Could Be Russia’s Future (Published 2022)

people on Great Wall of China during daytime 英語ニュース多読


China’s Information Dark Age Could Be Russia’s Future (Published 2022)
Russia and China have the tendency to learn the worst from each other: tyrants, famines, purges and, now, internet censo...



意味 <…する> (特定の) 傾向, (個人の) 性癖; (一般的な) 風潮, 趨勢 <to do>(しばしば良くない風潮を示す)

Russia and China have the tendency to learn the worst from each other: tyrants, famines, purges and, now, internet censorship.




意味 (かたく) 跡, 形跡, 痕跡; (状態· 慣習などの) 名残, 面影; 残存物

By blocking online platforms, shutting down the last vestige of Russia’s independent media and making it a crime to refer to the fighting in Ukraine as a war, the Kremlin has made it nearly impossible for the Russian people to get independent or international news after its invasion. Most Russians are taking in an alternative reality.




意味 たいてい, 大部分は, 主に, 主として (mainly)

That’s exactly what China has been doing to its 1.4 billion people for years. Nearly all major Western websites are blocked in the country. A generation of Chinese have grown up in a very different information environment from the rest of the world. Mostly, they are left to believe in what Beijing tells them.




意味 [C] (旧ソ連の) 強制労働収容所.

Both the Russians and the Chinese were deeply scarred by disastrous eras under Communism, which produced tyrants like Stalin and Mao, gulags and labor camps, and man-made famines that starved millions to death.



意味 司法の, 裁判の; 裁判官の; 裁判所の.

China has not always been as tightly controlled as it has become under its top leader, Xi Jinping. In the 1990s and 2000s, investigative journalists broke many stories that led to the downfalls of government officials and to judiciary reforms. The internet and social media made it possible for the public to exchange ideas, debate important topics and pressure the government to respond to their concerns.




意味 放送局, 出版社

Weibo, China’s Twitter-like social media platform, used to be the place to debate democracy and freedom. Now, the biggest influencers on Weibo are state-owned media outlets like the People’s Daily, the Global Times and China Central Television. Bilibili, a user-generated video site that used to be popular among young gamers and comic and anime fans, is now full of nationalistic young people known as little pinks.



意味 〈制限· 条件· 税· 罰金など〉を課する

In January, when the government of the northwestern city of Xi’an imposed a strict lockdown that created chaos and crises not seen since Wuhan two years ago, few news outlets sent journalists to cover it. The only significant reporting the Chinese public got was a first-person blog post written by a former investigative journalist known by her pen name, Jiang Xue.




意味 [[名]の前で]衛生的な; 不快なものが取り除かれた.

China still wants to offer some Western entertainment content, but only in a sanitized format. In the sitcom “Friends,” Ross never explained to his parents that he had split from his wife because she was a lesbian living with another woman. “Bohemian Rhapsody,” the Queen biopic, had no scenes involving homosexuality. The Chinese censors put a black dress on the heroine’s nude body in “The Shape of Water.”
