【The New Yorker】A Hot-Pot Marathon at Four Coconuts and the Dolar Shop

raw meat on stainless steel tray 英語ニュース多読


A Hot-Pot Marathon at Four Coconuts and the Dolar Shop
Four Coconuts, in Flushing, specializes in Hainanese-style chicken-coconut hot pot; the Dolar Shop, in the East Village,...



意味 [~ +[副]](見にくいので) 凝視する, じっと見る (out) ([副]は at, through, over など)

A group of delivery drivers, huddled with their e-bikes on the sidewalk, were unable to help, though they gamely took turns peering at my phone map and scratching their heads. If you venture to Four Coconuts (39-16 Prince St., Suite 209, Queens; broth and add-ins $4.95-$96.95), and you should: look up! In an alleyway between two malls, at the top of a staircase, you may be able to make out the potted palm trees by the door.




意味 ついたて, 間仕切り.

Dolar Shop pots are individually sized and can be outfitted with an S-shaped divider, so that a diner can try two broths at once.




意味 <液体の表面から>〈上澄み· 上皮〉をすくい取る, すくってきれいにする (off) <off, from>

After a server dutifully skims foam off the liquid’s surface, the ship is yours to steer. Every pot comes with lime wedges, minced garlic, and minced sand ginger, a super-floral variety, to further doctor the broth before you simmer the contents of an included vegetable basket (Napa cabbage, corn on the cob, enoki mushroom) and whatever ingredients you’ve selected from the digital menu.



意味 少量, ひとかけら

Here, the pots are individually sized and can be outfitted with an S-shaped divider, so that you can sample more than one broth: double your fun with half Exquisite Silver Soup, a milky-looking bath of pork and chicken broths bearing morsels of chicken thigh and pork tripe, and half crimson-hued Szechuan Hot & Spicy, pungent with peppercorns, garlic, and chilies.



意味 [通例[名]の前で](会社· ホテルなどから) 無料で提供される, ただの〈チケット· 飲食物など〉.

At the Dolar Shop, the finish line is marked with complimentary cones of decent but unremarkable vanilla soft serve. At Four Coconuts, there is a wonderfully simple coconut pudding, firm yet luscious, served in a coconut shell, and a Korean-style bingsu, a pile of soft shaved ice soaked in strawberry milk and adorned with chocolate googly eyes and a mouth and horns made from Bugles—a fitting trophy for a hot-pot champion. ♦


