【The Daily Meal】What Makes Lu Rou Fan, A Taiwanese Meat Sauce, So Unique?

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What Makes Lu Rou Fan, A Taiwanese Meat Sauce, So Unique? - The Daily Meal
While some people have said that it reminds them of Italian ragù, here is what actually makes the Taiwanese meat sauce k...

八角がいけるかどうか、ですねw 私は激辛大好き油大好きなので中華全般大丈夫なんだけど、台湾料理は八角が少し苦手なのよね…。


意味 (物· 状況などの) 一面, 側面, 様相 (aspect).

In Taiwan, you don’t have to go far to find a warm bowl of lu rou fan. The braised pork dish, which translates to “stewed meat rice,” is served up at countless restaurants, street vendors, and home kitchens across the East Asian country. Like beef noodle soup, hot pot, xiao long bao soup dumplings, and burrito-shaped fan tuan, the dish is an essential facet of Taiwanese comfort food.



意味 (文)[通例[名]の前で]大昔 [古く] からの, 長きにわたる.

Lu rou fan is so central to Taiwanese cuisine, in fact, that the Taipei government launched a campaign claiming ownership over it in 2011. Officials handed out bowl upon bowl of the dish to locals as a way of settling the age-old dispute over whether it originated in Taiwan or Shandong, China.



意味 a powder that is a mixture of five spices, used in Chinese cooking

Of course, lu rou fan’s intriguing history isn’t the only thing that makes it unique; its ingredients are what set it apart from other braised meat dishes around the globe. While variations abound, the dish’s standard form calls for minced pork braised in rice wine, soy sauce, water, sugar, and five-spice powder until tender and saucy. However, some Taiwanese chefs divert from that order. Lu rou fan is often served over rice or noodles.




意味 [料] (さっと)〈野菜など〉をゆでる.

Eric Sze, the chef and owner of buzzy New York City Taiwanese spots 886 and Wenwen, shared his self-described “super traditional” version with Munchies. He starts by blanching the pork belly to help keep its shape to rid it of any bacteria that might be lingering on the surface. While the pork simmers for 30 minutes, he makes dashi and tosses in some dried shitake mushrooms for extra depth.




意味 [通例[名]の前で]本物の, 真の, 正真正銘の, 偽物でない (real, authentic)

We obviously know where the Taipei City Government stands. Its decision to give away 1,000 bowls of lu rou fan was a response to a Michelin Green Guide claim that the dish originated in China. “Today we’re here to let everyone know that lu rou fan is genuine Taiwanese cuisine, a national delicacy, not a ‘Shandong-style’ dish,” said Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin in a statement at the time.


