【NBC News】What’s Merriam-Webster’s word of the year for 2023? Hint: Be true to yourself



What’s Merriam-Webster’s word of the year for 2023? Hint: Be true to yourself
Find out what Merriam-Webster's top words of 2023 mean, including "rizz," "deadname" and "covenant."

今年2023年を象徴する単語(word of the year for 2023)。これ系記事、当年内に読めたの初めてかもw


意味 〈食べ物· レシピ· 工芸品などが〉本格的な, 伝統に基づいた、〈著作· 絵画などが〉真正の, 本物の、〈情報· 説明などが〉確実な, 信頼できる; 事実に基づく.

Authentic cuisine. Authentic voice. Authentic self. Authenticity as artifice. Lookups for the word are routinely heavy on the dictionary company’s site but were boosted to new heights throughout the year, editor at large Peter Sokolowski told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview.



for sure

意味 (米) ええ (もちろん), うん (同意の返答として)

This was the year of artificial intelligence, for sure, but also a moment when ChatGPT-maker OpenAI suffered a leadership crisis. Taylor Swift and Prince Harry chased after authenticity in their words and deeds. Musk himself, at February’s World Government Summit in Dubai, urged the heads of companies, politicians, ministers and other leaders to “speak authentically” on social media by running their own accounts.


number cruncher

意味 [IT] 大型計算機; (くだけて) (会計士などの) 数値を扱う仕事の人.

The company’s data crunchers filter out evergreen words like “love” and “affect” vs. “effect” that are always high in lookups among the 500,000 words it defines online. This year, the wordsmiths also filtered out numerous five-letter words because Wordle and Quordle players clearly use the company’s site in search of them as they play the daily games, Sokolowski said.




意味 (地方) 自治体の; 共同社会の.

KIBBUTZ: There was a massive spike in lookups for “a communal farm or settlement in Israel” after Hamas militants attacked several near the Gaza Strip on Oct. 7. The first kibbutz was founded circa 1909 in what is today Israel.



意味 人が納得できるように, 説得力をもって〈示す· 証明するなど〉; もっともらしく〈ふるまうなど〉

DEEPFAKE: The dictionary company’s definition is “an image or recording that has been convincingly altered and manipulated to misrepresent someone as doing or saying something that was not actually done or said.” Interest spiked after Musk’s lawyers in a Tesla lawsuit said he is often the subject of deepfake videos and again after the likeness of Ryan Reynolds appeared in a fake, AI-generated Tesla ad.



意味  作品, 出し物 (映画·TV· 小説など)

DYSTOPIAN: Climate chaos brought on interest in the word. So did books, movies and TV fare intended to entertain. “It’s unusual to me to see a word that is used in both contexts,” Sokolowski said.



意味 〈儀式· 音楽などが〉厳かな; 〈雰囲気· 場所などが〉厳粛な, 荘重な (宗教 [儀式] 的な荘重さを強調する)

COVENANT: Lookups for the word meaning “a usually formal, solemn, and binding agreement” swelled on March 27, after a deadly mass shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee. The shooter was a former student killed by police after killing three students and three adults.




意味 [C] [法] 重罪 (殺人· 強盗· 放火など) .

INDICT: Former President Donald Trump has been indicted on felony charges in four criminal cases in New York, Florida, Georgia and Washington, D.C., in addition to fighting a lawsuit that threatens his real estate empire.

