【The Daily Meal】The Banchan Tip That’ll Improve Your Next Korean Restaurant Experience

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The Banchan Tip That'll Improve Your Next Korean Restaurant Experience - The Daily Meal
There is indeed a right way to enjoy banchan, the vegetable-heavy side dishes served at the beginning of many Korean res...



意味 [C]アントレ (本来はディナーの魚と肉の間で出される料理をいうが, 特に (米) ではメインディッシュをさすことが多い).

Upon visiting a Korean BBQ restaurant, you may have noticed the wide selection of small side dishes that are served in addition to the main course. These dishes are known as banchan, and they’re definitely not meant to be eaten as appetizers. Instead, banchan are best eaten with the main course, as the small dishes are chosen to pair with the flavors of the entree — sort of like substantial condiments to construct the perfect bite.




意味 [C] 店, 店舗; (設備· 人員などを含む組織の) 所帯

Other banchan include jeon, a type of savory pancake; sigeumchi namul, which is blanched spinach seasoned with garlic, soy sauce, and sesame oil; and gamja jorim, AKA Korean-style potato salad. Banchan selections typically star vegetables but also feature meat, seafood, and starches. They can vary greatly depending on the establishment and the main dish being served, so expect to see something new everywhere you go.



意味 [be ~ in A]〈場所· 時間などが〉A に満ちている, 包まれている, 深い影響を受けている

While it’s a proud Korean culinary tradition steeped in history, the origins of banchan are somewhat disputed. While some claim that the veggie-heavy practice arose from the Buddhist vegetarian beliefs influencing Korea between 60 BCE and 670 CE, others assert that it had more to do with a lack of resources throughout the country’s history.



意味 〈人など〉を魅了する, …の心を奪う

Additionally, hanshik consisted of 12 dishes, whereas the banchan served today usually come in groupings of 3, 5, or 7. While it may be difficult to pin down the exact history, there’s no doubt that banchan have since spread beyond Korea and now captivate diners all over the world.


