【The Daily Meal】Spaghetti Vs Egg Noodles: Everything You Need To Know

fork with spaghetti 英語ニュース多読


Spaghetti Vs Egg Noodles: Everything You Need To Know - The Daily Meal
Spaghetti is a form of pasta, and an egg noodle is something completely different... even if it might not seem that way ...

パスタとegg noodleの違いについて。

tick off A

意味 (主に米· くだけて)A〈人〉を怒らせる, いらだたせる.

If you are ever looking for a way to really tick off an Italian, use the phrase “spaghetti noodle.” While this is something that many Americans say without thinking much about it, this is almost as serious of a culinary “crime” as breaking spaghetti in Italy.




意味  (性格上· 身体上の) 特徴, 特性, 特質 (修飾語と共に用いる)

As a true Italian would be very quick to point out to you, a singular piece of spaghetti is not a noodle. It is, technically, a “spaghetto,” even if no one really ever uses that word. Spaghetti is a form of pasta, and a noodle is something completely different… even if it might not seem that way at first glance. Egg noodles in particular have many different traits than their spaghetti cousins, the most notable of which is their characteristic ingredient: egg.


「characteristic ingredient: egg」って書き方かっこいいけど「卵入ってるよね、だよねw知ってるw」って思っちゃったw


意味 (かたく)[通例[名]の前で](同時に) 至る所に存在する, 遍在する; どこにでも現れる

Most pasta historians will tell you that spaghetti originated on the island of Sicily, but some argue that this is not where it was invented. This now-ubiquitous pasta was most likely brought to Italy by the Arabs who conquered Sicily in the 700s. From Sicily, the pasta spread into the rest of Italy after its unification in 1861. The name “spaghetti” first made it into print in 1874, with the pasta having certainly been referred to by another name in the Sicilian dialect before that.




意味 [通例[名]の前で]繊細な; 微妙な, ごく小さい〈差異· 変化など〉

Spaghettoni, for instance, is a thicker version of spaghetti whose name can be translated to, fittingly, “big spaghetti.” On the opposite end of the scale, there is spaghettini, which is “little spaghetti,” a thinner, finer form. Then there is vermicelli (or, in Italian, “little worms” -– yum!), which is thinner still, and capellini, which is so thin that it is often referred to as “angel hair pasta.”




意味 [C]語源; 語源の記述.

When it comes to egg noodle etymology, the word “noodle” as we know it came into the English language in the 1700s. It was adapted from the German word “nudel,” and has only grown in popularity ever since –- as have the dishes that use these delicious, eggy noodles.



意味 変わることなく; きまって, いつも (always)

Both spaghetti and egg noodles are also usually cooked the same way, which is, almost invariably, boiled in a big pot of hot, salty water. They are then both usually cooked a bit longer in a sauce of some kind, whether it be a simple one like melted butter, soy sauce, tomato sauce, or something more complex, like ragù or bolognese sauce. They can also both be served with meat or vegetables.




意味 [a ~/~s of A]無数の A

Egg noodles are a little more versatile. Since there are so many different versions of egg noodles spread all across the planet, even the most basic egg noodle recipe varies widely, with a myriad of different types of flour used either alone or in combination with others.


tip the scale

意味 <…の> 重さがある <at>

It’s the same story when it comes to protein: both spaghetti and egg noodles have about 7 grams per cup. The calorie counts are close as well, with spaghetti weighing in at 196 calories and egg noodles just barely tipping the scale at 221. When it comes to fat, egg noodles beat out spaghetti, coming in at a little over 3 grams of fat while the latter only has a little more than 2 grams.

