【The Daily Meal】Snoop Dogg’s Favorite Homemade Snack? Hard-Boiled Eggs On Toast

brown bread on white table 英語ニュース多読


意味 (くだけて) いかさま師, ぺてん師; 悪党.

Snoop Dogg is perhaps best known for his music career, but in recent years, he’s also made a name for himself in the food space. He had a cooking show with celebrity chef Martha Stewart called “Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party,” and the two of them also co-hosted “Snoop & Martha’s Very Tasty Halloween.” He also released a cookbook, “From Crook to Cook,” and it was so well received that he went on to publish a second one, “Goon With the Spoon.”




意味 資質, 実績, 資格

“I do a lot of studying, which I know people don’t believe, but that’s how I was able to put a cookbook together,” Snoop reflected during the interview. “Now I want to go further and open a restaurant.” But while Snoop may one day be adding restaurateur to his growing list of culinary credentials, he still has a special place in his heart for run-of-the-mill hard-boiled eggs and toast because it was one of his favorite things to eat as a child.


本当に料理が好きなんだな…好きじゃないとdo a lot of studyingできないもんね。


意味 [通例[名]の前で]説明的な, 解説の, 釈明の; 説明になる

You won’t find a recipe for his hard-boiled eggs with toast in Snoop Dogg’s cookbooks, most likely because the process is fairly self-explanatory. However, in “Goon With the Spoon,” the cookbook he co-authored with rapper E40, there’s a recipe for Scotch eggs (a dish with mysterious origins).




意味 [C][U]接合剤, つなぎ.

This version starts off like all hard-boiled eggs do, but after being cooked, peeled, and cooled, they’re coated in ground turkey sausage, dunked in whisked eggs as a binder, and dredged in flour to create a thick shell before frying. While it’s unclear how often Snoop makes these hearty Scotch eggs, they’re definitely a tasty upgrade to his childhood favorite.


