【The Daily Meal】American Biscotti Actually Have A Different Name In Italy

silver fork and bread knife on white ceramic plate 英語ニュース多読


American Biscotti Actually Have A Different Name In Italy - The Daily Meal
Many foods go by various sobriquets depending on where they're eaten. For example, American biscotti actually have a dif...



意味 (機械などの) 原型, 前身.

Originally, the Latin word “biscoctus,” the ancient ancestor of “biscotti”, was used to designate something as being twice cooked or baked. So, in a sense, Americans are truly the ones being more authentic in their terminology. What then do they call crisps flavored with spices, fruits, and nuts in that boot-shaped nation on the other side of the Atlantic?




意味 〈物が〉崩壊する, 崩れる, ばらばらになる

“Cantucci” is the word in Italian for crackly and crumbly confections that are firm enough to be dipped in lattes, espresso, or coffee without disintegrating. While this distinction may seem odd to Americans, it makes sense when you consider logistics. Just saying “biscotti” a.k.a. “cookies” wouldn’t pin much down in Italy, so a new word was chosen.




意味 [U] [化] 酸化.

However, on the whole, cantucci are less sweet than biscotti, so Italians even regularly dunk them in vin santo, a dessert wine made from partially raisinated grapes matured under oxidative conditions. The history behind this cultural contrast is fascinating. Let’s break it apart!


ワインに浸すのはさらに分からんw でも飲み物と一緒に味わう=それ自体は甘くないのはなるほどと思いました。


意味 (精神的· 肉体的に)…を強くする, 元気にする

Something similar to biscotti and cantucci was made to feed soldiers in Ancient Rome. When the empire fell, the fortifying snack was practically forgotten — that is, until the 14th century. That’s when bakeries in the Tuscan city of Prato started using local almonds to make Biscotti di Prato (borrowing from Latin for the first part of its name).



in a big way

意味 大々的に, 大規模に.

Meanwhile, Biscotti di Prato stayed in Italy and — likely because cities other than Prato started producing this treat — “cantucci” replaced “Biscotti di Prato.” Vin santo originated from the same general time and place as biscotti, so the two have long been served together at the end of a meal when entertaining guests. Unlike biscotti, however, that wine doesn’t seem to have caught on in a big way in the United States.

