Prosecutor / spacecraft / narrow / collide / hiatus / fleet / acknowledge / trafficking




意味 [C] [法] 検察官, 検事 (public prosecutor); 告発者

Prosecutors say Murdaugh was the only one with motive, means and opportunity to kill wife and son
Prosecutors say Alex Murdaugh was the only one with motive, means and opportunity to kill his wife and son | CNN
State prosecutors said in closing arguments of Alex Murdaugh’s murder trial Wednesday that he was the only person who ha...


意味 [C]宇宙船 (spaceship).

Hubble Space Telescope captured ‘movie’ of spacecraft slamming into asteroid
Hubble Space Telescope captured ‘movie’ of spacecraft slamming into asteroid | CNN
When a NASA spacecraft intentionally crashed into an asteroid, the collision’s surprising after effects, including a com...


意味 …(の範囲) を狭める, 〈数· 可能性など〉を少なくする

The US gender pay gap: Why it hasn’t narrowed much in 20 years
The US gender pay gap: Why it hasn’t narrowed much in 20 years | CNN Business
A lot can change in two decades. Or… not.


意味 〈移動している (乗り) 物· 人などが〉互いに衝突する; <…と> 衝突する, ぶつかる <with> (日常語では run into の方が普通. )

Hear from passenger on JetBlue flight that nearly collided with private plane
‘A scary situation’: Passenger on JetBlue flight about near collision with private plane | CNN
Air traffic controllers stopped a departing private jet from running into a JetBlue flight as it was coming in to land a...


意味 (かたく) (活動の) とぎれ, 中断; 空白, 割れ目

KFC is bringing back iconic menu item after a nearly 10-year hiatus
KFC is bringing back a fan favorite after a nearly 10-year hiatus | CNN Business
Kentucky Fried Chicken is bringing back a legend after a nearly a decade.



意味 船団, 船隊

A mysterious fleet is helping Russia ship oil. And it’s growing
A mysterious fleet is helping Russia ship oil around the world. And it’s growing | CNN Business
Russian oil is still finding its way to buyers around the world. But even those who spend their days tracking its moveme...


意味 〈事実· 過失など〉を認める, 認知する; [~ (that) 節]…であると認める

FBI Director acknowledges bureau assessment that Covid-19 likely resulted from lab incident
FBI Director Wray acknowledges bureau assessment that Covid-19 likely resulted from lab incident | CNN Politics
FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday acknowledged that the bureau believes the Covid-19 pandemic was likely the resu...

え、皆知ってると思ってたんだけどw てかもう2021年あたりに、WHOの査察拒否ごたごたのあたりで確定事項として報道されなかったっけ?


意味 [U]不正取引, 密売買 (人身売買なども含まれる).

Lawyers for Ghislaine Maxwell file appeal asking court to vacate her sex trafficking conviction
Lawyers for Ghislaine Maxwell file appeal asking court to vacate her sex trafficking conviction | CNN
Attorneys for Ghislaine Maxwell have asked a federal appellate court to vacate her 2021 sex trafficking conviction and d...