【Big Think】The vicious cycle of food and sleep

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The vicious cycle of food and sleep
More than a third of Americans don’t get enough sleep, with serious impacts on their health. Diet is an important, under...


As it turns out

意味 (予期· 必要に反して) ところが実際は (時に as it turns out, as things stand などの形で)

The future, my mom used to say, belongs to those who wake up early. L’avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt. She’d say this as we drove to early ice skating practices on those cold winter mornings growing up in Quebec. As it turns out, science may be proving her right — though perhaps not in exactly the way she thought.



意味 [the ~ of …]…にも相当 [匹敵] する (数量· 程度などの大きさを強調して)

I am a researcher who specializes in understanding the links between diet, sleep and health. Up until around 2014, my lab focused on examining how too little sleep affects obesity. Our work showed that reducing sleep by about four hours per night, for four nights, led to an increase in eating, amounting to about 300 calories per day (the equivalent of one McDonald’s cheeseburger). The cause, we found, is increased activity in the reward centers of the brain specific to food, along with alterations in hormones that control feelings of fullness. In other words, people who sleep less feel hungrier, and tend to crave foods that are high in sugar and fat.



suffer from A

意味 〈人などが〉A〈病気など〉を患う (状態がある程度続くことを暗示する)

It’s also a very important one. About 35 percent of Americans get less than the recommended minimum of seven hours of sleep per night; 10 percent to 30 percent suffer from a sleep disorder like insomnia or sleep apnea. Sleeping too little and sleep disorders have been associated with a host of problems ranging from psychological conditions to chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.




意味 [U][C]眠り, まどろみ; 休眠 [休止, 無活動] 状態

Usually, people can pinpoint food or beverage triggers that contribute to bad sleep: Drinking coffee too late in the day or having a large meal too close to bedtime are two obvious ones that can interfere with sleep. What is less noticeable is how healthy choices made throughout the day can have a positive influence on slumber.




意味 乏しい; 貧弱な

Why? It’s partly because protein-rich foods such as nuts and seeds, fish, poultry and eggs contain tryptophan, an amino acid from which the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin is produced in the brain. Other foods — including tomatoes, pineapple, tart cherries, bananas, apples, vegetable oils, nuts and animal products — contain melatonin itself. In plants, melatonin serves as an antioxidant to prevent damage, while in animals it serves to regulate their sleep (much as it does in humans). Eating such melatonin-rich foods may also boost your own melatonin levels, although research on this is sparse.


