【SCREENRANT】MCU: 10 Quotes That Perfectly Sum Up Doctor Strange As A Character



MCU: 10 Quotes That Perfectly Sum Up Doctor Strange As A Character
Doctor Strange has established himself as one of the most powerful and complex characters in the MCU and there are many ...

Doctor Strangeシリーズの名言について。


意味 尊敬 [感服, 注目] せずにはいられない

Without a doubt, Doctor Strange is one of the most complex characters in the MCU. From his epic origin story to his unique powers and ability to the kinds of difficult decisions he has had to make, he is a character filled with compelling aspects. And there are a lot of great quotes that have helped to define.



意味 (かたく) (特別な) 意味, 意義

Whether the quotes are spoken by Strange himself or just about him, they each hold a certain significance to the journey he has gone on in the MCU. Some speak to his heroic aspects, others highlight his faults, and others showcase what separates Doctor Strange from all the other characters in the MCU.



意味 (かたく)〈人が〉理解する.

When he is first introduced to these ideas he cannot comprehend them and insists it doesn’t make sense. The Ancient One’s simply words that “Not everything has to” blow open the world that Strange thought he knew and bring him into a reality where anything is possible.



意味 [U]傲慢さ, 横柄さ.

This arrogance can also be seen in his career as a superhero. Given the power he has, Strange takes on the responsibility to make all the important decisions and decides what course is best to save the world. Sometimes he is right, but sometimes he is wrong.




意味 [C] (かたく) (性格上· 身体上の) 特徴, 特性, 特質

It seems like arrogance is a trait shared by many MCU heroes and something that have to overcome. Strange was extremely arrogant as a skilled surgeon to the point that he was quite self-involved. But it is also his own fear of failure that drives him.



意味 〈人· 行動などが〉向こう見ずな, 無謀な, 大胆な

Though Strange proves early on that he is naturally gifted with the mystic arts, he also often shows that he is quite reckless as well. Even as a student, he decided to break the rules and tamper with spells he didn’t fully understand.




意味 〈人· 行動· 発言が〉悪気はない, 善意の; 善意から出た.

When Strange meets the Illuminati, Reed Richard explains that their Strange was exploring the multiverse and things had gotten out of hand. This seems to be a common theme for Strange as his well-intentions can often border on chaos.



意味 〈言葉· 表現などが〉謎の込められた, 秘めた意味のある; 不可解な

After giving up the Time Stone, Strange tells Tony that they are now in the endgame. Aside from being a cryptic statement, it shows that Strange is really on another level than the other heroes. He is looking at a scale far beyond what they can imagine and deciding what the best moves are to make.


