【Prestige Online】How traditional chinese medicine combines health and culinary traditions

white and brown ceramic teapot on wooden tray 英語ニュース多読


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意味 (思わず)…を口に出す (out)

I was exhausted when I first met Zoey Xinyi Gong. Despite the coffee I had downed earlier, I found myself low on energy — something I blurted out as I stepped into the chef’s apartment in Brooklyn. She looked at me empathetically and seemed to know just what to do. Her secret? Traditional Chinese medicine.



意味 traditional Chinese medicine: Chinese-based alternative therapies, including acupuncture, certain forms of massage, and some herbal remedies

Gong began to dig into the TCM principles she’d grown up with. She credits Yang Xiao Lu, a book written by Chinese doctor Gu Zhong in 1698 that focuses on food as yangsheng, or life-nourishing, with leading her to the approach she takes in food therapy today. She believes that food should be balanced, seasonal, beautiful, and individual, rather than used in a calculated diet that makes eating a stress-inducing chore rather than a joy.




意味 [C][U] 気まぐれ, むら気; (ふとした) 思いつき

Gong relies on classic TCM herbal formulas (there are more than 12,000) as the base for her recipes and then builds on them, drawing on her training as a registered dietitian, her cooking experience, and her whims. She takes into account the thermal nature of ingredients (which can be constituted as hot, warm, neutral, cool, and cold) and the five flavours, or elements (sweet, acrid, salty, sour, and bitter), and how they move through your body in the form of qi (pronounced chi).




意味 すべすべした, なめらかな (smooth)

This highly personal approach results in creations like the winter menu (see below), which includes plump parcels of napa cabbage stuffed with tofu (in lieu of the more usual pork) slicked in a vibrant goji-berry-enriched sauce that helps hydrate the body, and warming mulled-wine-and-cranberry-juice concoction sweetened with brown sugar and infused with angelica root and jujube dates, to help nourish the blood and remove blood stagnation.



意味 [C] <…という> 仮定, 想定, 憶測, 仮説 <that 節> (証拠はないが正しいと考えていることを暗示)

In everything she does, Gong is determined to give others that same creativity and freedom she has experienced through TCM-centered cooking and eating. “People have an assumption of what a healthy life is,” she says. “I wanted to bring our traditions back and explain why they’re such a good thing.”



意味 [U] [植] キビ, アワ; 雑穀.

“Whole grains are a huge part of TCM food therapy,” Gong says. “Millet is particularly good since it’s easy to cook, strengthens the spleen, and helps the body digest food and transform it into usable qi.” She uses a specific type of millet called foxtail millet; it’s the base for her morning congee.



意味 (主に米)[~s]激しい腹痛; (女性の) 生理痛

Earthy and herbal, this root is known for boosting women’s health. “It helps with a range of issues, from cramps to hormones,” Gong says. She slips it in bone broth or turns it into tea.


「けいれん」の意味もあったけど、「to hormones」なのでこの意味かな。


意味 <…で> (精神的· 肉体的に)…を強くする, 元気にする <with>

“In China, this broth is traditionally given to postpartum women,” says Gong. Fortified with buckwheat noodles, it’s a meal believed to replenish and build immunity.

