revive / Treasury officials / rash / filing / erupt in A / urge A to do / torn / lupus




意味 〈人など〉を蘇生 (そせい) させる, …の息を吹き返させる; …を元気づかせる, 回復させる

Cheetahs flown to India as part of effort to revive species
Cheetahs flown to India as part of effort to revive species | CNN
Twelve cheetahs have arrived in India as part of efforts to revive the species after decades of extinction in the countr...

Treasury officials

意味 財務省 [大蔵省] 筋.

Treasury official to say US monitoring and countering Russian intelligence services as part of sanctions crackdown
Exclusive: Treasury official to say US monitoring and countering Russian intelligence services as part of sanctions crackdown | CNN Politics
Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo plans next week to put Russia and its intelligence services on notice: the US is...


意味 [C]発疹, 吹き出物; [U]かぶれ

East Palestine residents worry rashes, headaches and other symptoms may be tied to chemicals from train crash
East Palestine residents worry rashes, headaches and other symptoms may be tied to chemicals from train crash | CNN
Some residents of East Palestine, Ohio, say they have developed rashes, sore throats, nausea and headaches after returni...


意味 [U] (書類の) とじ込み, 整理, ファイリング.

Court filings show Fox stars ridiculed Giuliani over 2020 election fraud claims
Court filings show Fox stars ridiculed Giuliani over 2020 election fraud claims | CNN Politics
A trove of newly-released text messages and emails has laid bare how Fox operated with little regard for fact in the wee...

erupt in A

意味 〈人· 場所· 状況が〉突然 A〈状態〉になる

Fans erupt in cheers for 4-year-old at hockey game
See why hockey fans went crazy for this 4-year-old | CNN
Adorable George goes viral for wondering why the crowd is cheering for him at the 4-year old’s first hockey game. CNN’s ...

urge A to do

意味 〈人が〉(しきりに)A〈人〉に…するよう説得する, 促す

Powell urges Congress to solve growing US debt ‘sooner, rather than later’
Powell urges Congress to solve growing US debt ‘sooner, rather than later’ | CNN Business
Speaking at The Economic Club of Washington, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell says the Fed doesn’t have the ability t...


意味 tear の過去分詞.

Senators torn over retirement decisions as party leaders try to fortify 2024 standing
Key senators torn over retirement decisions | CNN Politics
Sen. Joe Manchin, torn over whether to run for reelection, says he’s “given everything I possibly can” over four decades...



意味 [U] [医] 狼瘡 (ろうそう) (特に皮膚結核).

Selena Gomez praised for speaking on lupus and body-shaming
Selena Gomez praised for speaking on lupus and body-shaming
Two young people with lupus say why Selena speaking about the condition is so important to them.