【The New Yorker】The Scent of Spices, and Vegan Pho, at Bánh

green vegetable on brown bread 英語ニュース多読


The Scent of Spices, and Vegan Pho, at Bánh
Nhu Ton, the chef of a Vietnamese restaurant on the Upper West Side, experimented for countless hours to make both her t...



意味 〈人· 動物などが〉<…(すること) について> 用心深い, 慎重な (careful) <of (doing), about (doing)>

One of those things is good Vietnamese coffee. Buôn Ma Thuột, Ton’s home town, is the capital of java in Vietnam, and the source of Bánh’s coffee beans. If you are wary of a bold brew, this is likely not the drink for you.




意味 …マニア; 中毒者, 常用者.

But if you, like me, are a caffeine fiend with a taste for the rich and creamy, you will appreciate the buttery-sweet marriage of thick swirls of condensed milk to the dark, pungent roast.


発音は「 /fiːnd/ 」


意味 (調理用) 金 [木] 串, 焼き串.

A recent visit began with skewers of pork belly, steeped in a house marinade and smoked over charcoal. Then there were medallions of ground pork wrapped in betel leaf and submerged in a small bowl of fish sauce made faintly wine-like with rice vinegar and orange and lime juice.


spring roll

意味 (英) 春巻 ((米)egg roll).

The most memorable of the three were the spring rolls; stuffed with pork, taro, and wood-ear mushrooms, the golden-brown parcels were encased in rice wrappers so diaphanous that their crispy crunch was like a wondrous sleight of hand: I heard the crackle, but my teeth didn’t sink into anything but pork.


まんまなんだね…これはとても悔しい。なんだけどさ、(米)egg rollってのは意味わからんw 見かけたら「卵巻き…卵焼きか!」ってなるよな絶対。


意味 <ある状態· 場所へと>〈人〉をうまく導く <to, into>

When I took my first spoonful of the pho at Bánh, I felt my senses come to attention; there was a vividness to the broth that could only have been coaxed into being through long hours of simmering and a timely deployment of star anise, cloves, and cardamom. “I need to get it to exactly the flavor I loved as a kid,” Ton told me. “So it’s always a process.”



意味 (かたく) 合致すること, 真に迫ること; (複製などの) 正確さ.

For all her fidelity to the palate of her youth, Ton still rises to new challenges. When her mother adopted a vegan diet some years ago, Ton became determined to make a decent vegetable-only banh mi and pho.



意味 [a ~]少量; [副詞的に]少し.

The solution to the vegan banh mi turned out to be basil pesto, peanut sauce for a silken texture, and smoked oyster mushrooms seasoned in soy sauce. Though a tad bland—one might wish for a squirt of hoisin sauce and a few jalapeños—the pleasingly charred mushrooms lend the sandwich a woody, umami edge.



意味 (〈スープなど〉を) 音を立ててすすり飲む [食べる].

When it was my turn to slurp, I understood his doubt immediately: instead of being watery and flat, this flavorful soup belonged to the same family as Bánh’s traditional pho—layered and complex in a way that makes you want to keep sipping on a cold autumn evening.
