【Fragrantica Perfumes】Modern Perfume and The Turn from Antique Molecules: The Times, The Turn, The No. 5 – Vol. 6, Pt. 2.

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Modern Perfume and The Turn from Antique Molecules: The Times, The Turn, The No. 5 – Vol. 6, Pt. 2. ~ Columns ~ Fragrantica
We continue the story of Chanel No 5... (Definitely read Vol. 1. And if you want a side-by-side comparison of the perfum...



意味 なすすべもなく, いやおうなく〈惹かれるなど〉.

The goal was to make No. 5 an irresistibly enviable extravagance worldwide, but in 1924, none of them knew how spot-on they would be in attaining that goal, nor the hell and high water that would have to be traversed to get there. From that day forward, Coco Chanel would have almost nothing to do with its success, despite her best and most outrageous efforts.



意味 100 歳 (以上) の, 100 年 (祭) の.

And once you uncover this clear, singularly white-squared, minimalist-looking bottle’s journey, it’s truly a 20th century wonder how that little flaçon even became famous to any degree, let alone the centenarian, reigning Queen of the perfume shelves that she is.




意味 [U][C] (ほめて)[通例~s]質素, 簡素, 飾り気のなさ, シンプルさ

In the first Les Parfums Chanel sales catalogue of 1924, handed out to the department stores lucky enough to get them, the focus was on the unparalleled luxurious simplicity, but there wasn’t one thing to single out No. 5 as their premier fragrance. It was merely a number among a litany of other perfumes that just simply had to have been very quickly made.



意味 不安を持った [示す].

Back home in France, there would be no advertisement of even this nature until No. 5 was well into its angsty teen years in the 1940s. For those of you that are into fragrance history, LPC wholly passed up a chance to feature it at the 1925 Parisian international showcase, that launched the Art Deco movement (L’Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Moderne), complete with opulent displays of the new modern art of perfumery.




意味 〈計器など〉の目盛り [口径] を測定する [調整する, 決める].

From 1929-1932 the marketing for Les Parfums Chanel was slashed to nothing while they recalibrated, already scant advertising subtracted even further. When the line began to appear back onto the scene, signaling the times, they marketed, almost exclusively, new handbag-sized bottles for the Chanel line – 0.5ml for the modern day equivalent price of about $25 a bottle.



意味 [[名]の前で]ほんの, 単なる; 単に [まったく]…にすぎない (only)

And on June 10th, the very first true Chanel No. 5 ad was published in the New York Times – only a mere 13 years after it was born.



意味 [be ~]〈人が〉激怒した, 怒り狂った

Chanel was actually furious. This advertising cost money, and was slashing her already minuscule portion of the profits.



意味 (競技などにおける) 敗退, 脱落

This public battle only seemed to make No. 5 more famous, and with Chanel’s elimination from nearly everything having to do with it, both in public, and behind the scenes, this runaway perfume was taking on a life of its own, separating itself from the very woman who set out to design it in the first place.


