【Eat This Not That】5 Ways to Prevent Alzheimer’s, Says Dr. Sanjay Gupta

assorted fruits in bowls 英語ニュース多読


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アルツハイマーを避けるためにやっておきたいことについて。 遺伝子的に罹患確率高い糖尿も怖いけど、脳の病気も怖い。最後まで一人で生きたいから改善できることはしていこうと思います。


意味 目立って, 著しく, 非常に〈似ている· 効果的だ· うまいなど〉

During sleep, the brain heals and regenerates itself. “The brain is a remarkably complicated organ,” said Gupta on CBS Sunday Morning in January.



意味 〈地位· 権力など〉を固める, 強固にする

“When you go to sleep at night, it’s taking the experiences you had throughout the day and consolidating them into memory. We’re learning that the brain is constantly going through this ‘rinse cycle’ at night.” During that time, the brain clears away debris like plaques and toxins which can lead to dementia.



意味 〈人· 動植物など〉を育てる, 養育 [育成, 栽培] する; 〈土地· 肌など〉に栄養分を与える

“When you move, it’s almost like you’re signaling to the body and to the brain, ‘I want to be here. I’m not ready to go,'” he said in the Sunday Morning interview. “The brain specifically releases these things called neurotrophins. These good chemicals are sort of nourishing the brain.”




意味 [通例[名]の前で]エアロビクス (用) の, 有酸素の

To really benefit the brain, make movement a routine. “Exercise, both aerobic and nonaerobic (strength training), is not only good for the body; it’s even better for the brain,” Gupta writes in Keep Sharp. “The connection between physical fitness and brain fitness is clear, direct, and powerful.”



in terms of A

意味 A の (観) 点から

Clean living means clean eating, and that involves consuming less red meat and processed foods, more fruits and vegetables, and one brain food in particular: “Berries, in terms of what they can do for the brain and some of these certain chemicals that they release, are probably going to be one of your best foods,” said Gupta.


しかしclean eatingって身につまされるなー。料理しないから加工食品を避けるのはきついけど、できるとこから改善していこ。


意味 [C] (病気などの) 予測因子.

“We know that social interaction is so critically important,” said Gupta. “We are social creatures. We know that there are certain neurochemicals that are released when we actually can touch and look someone directly in the eye.” Social interaction is a major predictor of neurogenesis, or the creation of new brain cells, which staves off dementia.


最後の最後に改善できなさそうなのきたw 同僚とのリモートトークくらいで大丈夫でしょうかw
