【DifferenceBetween.com】What is the Difference Between Taboo and Superstition

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意味 [U][C] 迷信 ; 迷信的行為 [習慣, 信仰]; (神秘的なものに対する) 迷信的恐怖

The key difference between taboo and superstition is that taboo is an activity or behavior that is considered unacceptable or prohibited in a particular society, whereas superstition is a belief that is not based on logical reasoning or scientific knowledge.


語源は ([ super (上に)stition (立ちつくすこと) ]) とのこと。うーん…わかるようなわからんようなw


意味 [U] (言葉· 行動· 芸術活動などによる) 表現, 表明, 表示; (感情などの) 表出, 現れ

A taboo refers to any action or expression that is considered inappropriate or prohibited by a particular culture or society. Generally, taboos originate according to cultural origins and cultural senses. At the same time, taboos can be different from one culture to the other as well as from one society to another.



意味 〈人〉を不当に扱う, …に不利益を与える; 〈人〉を罰する (punish)

Although taboos are unacceptable behaviors, this does not mean that taboos do not exist. They do exist, but people who engage in taboos do them secretly. If people engage in these activities openly, they may be isolated from society and can sometimes be even legally penalized.



Premarital sex

意味 婚前交渉.

For example, although abortions are legalized in some countries, it is illegal in some other countries. In addition to common taboos, there are religious taboos as well. Premarital sex, birth control, eating beef, eating pork, homosexuality, and menstruation are some cultural taboos and religious taboos.



意味 前兆, 兆し, 前触れ

Superstitions originate as a result of human faith in magic, omen, and supernatural events. There are superstitious methods like fortune-telling, ghosts, gods, and astrology in many communities. When people in a particular society or community become unexpected followers of superstitions, it hinders the development of science and rationality in that particular society.



意味 (かたく)〈教義など〉を信奉する, 〈信仰など〉に帰依する.

Moreover, governments or societies should take necessary actions to control the over-embracement of superstitious beliefs of people. For example, the practice of black magic is totally based on superstitious beliefs like supernatural powers and magic. Superstitious beliefs are mostly seen in underdeveloped communities and societies. The use of superstition is less in developed societies and communities when compared to underdeveloped and developing countries.


あら、もっとこう、「北向きに寝ない」とかそういう感じかと思ってた。くしゃみをしたら「god bless you」みたいな…違うっぽいな、black magicとか書いてあるもんなw


意味 架空の, 想像上の.

Moreover, a taboo is an unspoken prohibition of a certain activity or a certain expression, whereas superstition is just a mythical belief that does not contain any rationality. Besides, taboos are formed on a cultural level, while superstitions originate from the faith of humans.


