【Big Think】The most controversial painting in Russian history

a lot of paint brushes on ground 英語ニュース多読


The most controversial painting in Russian history
Created in the 1880s, "Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan," which depicts a father murdering his son, divides Russians t...

絵画「イワン雷帝と息子イワン(Ivan the Terrible and His Son)」について。



意味 誤解の余地なく.

In 19th century Russia, writers spoke loud and clear. Instead of hiding their personal beliefs behind dense layers of symbolism, they wrote unambiguously about the social, political, and economic problems of their time.



意味 (川· 運河用の) 平底の大型荷船, はしけ, バージ

Such was the case with Barge Haulers on the Volga, an 1873 painting by the Russian artist Ilya Repin, which — true to its name — depicts a group of workers hauling a barge across the banks of Russia’s most iconic river.



意味 ツァー, (帝政ロシアの) 皇帝 (tsar, tzar ともつづる) .

Discussions about Barge Haulers of the Volga are nothing compared to the controversy that surrounded another more famous painting by Ilya Repin, Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on 16 November 1581. Created between 1883 and 1885, this painting depicts Russia’s first and founding czar moments after murdering his own son.


こんなスペルだったか?と思ったらほかの綴りもあるとかw やめてw


意味 [U] 家系, 家筋, 家柄; 一族, 血統.

Repin’s own czar, Alexander III — whose political and familial lineage can be traced back to Ivan — was understandably not a fan of the painting. Its owner, a businessman and art collector named Pavel Tretyakov, was ordered not to exhibit it in his galleries.


発音は「 /lɪ́niɪdʒ/ 」


意味 (比較なし)[通例[名]の前で]完成された〈物〉; でっち上げられた, 捏造した〈話など〉

Talking to Coda Story, Fyodor Krasheninnikov, a political analyst from Yekaterinburg, said the monument in Oryol is not necessarily a monument to Ivan himself, but to “great power and to a made-up concept of Russia” — a concept which Putin used to justify his invasion of Ukraine, and which Ilya Repin may or may not have deliberately called into question with his Ivan the Terrible and His Son.

