【The New Yorker】A Perfect Ham Sandwich at Thirty Thousand Feet



A Perfect Ham Sandwich at Thirty Thousand Feet
One of the best things you can eat in L.A. is on the flight home.



意味 (時間をかけて)〈技術など〉を上達させる, 磨きをかける

No matter how glorious the Los Angeles sunshine and how beautiful the people and how chill and inviting the life style, you’ve got to say goodbye at some point if you, like me, actually live somewhere else. Over years of regular visits, I’ve honed my departure ritual to soften the sting.


in tow

意味 (くだけて) 連れて, 従えて; 世話をして [になって]

An hour and a half before I plan to arrive at the airport, I arrive at the Apple Pan, suitcase in tow. My order never varies: a hickory burger with cheddar, a side of fries, and a slice of banana cream pie. If you find yourself in L.A., do yourself a favor by dropping by the restaurant and replicating my order to the letter. And here’s the real trick: just before you’ve finished eating, flag down one of the countermen and ask him to make a ham sandwich to go.


banana cream pieとか絶対美味しいやつ…。


意味 人道にはずれた, あまりにむごい

When bitten into, during the inhumane ordeal of commercial air travel, this mammoth creation—both oddly nostalgic and obscenely indulgent, maybe a bit like Los Angeles itself—feels like a small, rebellious act of pleasure.


The New Yorkerの文章は難しいけど面白いなあ。好き!


意味 a thick, round sandwich similar to a hero, typically containing ham, salami, and cheeses and topped with an olive salad, a specialty of New Orleans.

The city is full of muffulettas, but none quite stack up to the original, from Central Grocery. I have a hypothesis (untested, perhaps unprovable) that the only thing that can improve this great wheel of meats and cheeses is the strange microclimate of an airplane. Much like how a sea voyage turns plain old fortified wine into Madeira, flying deepens and melds the muffuletta’s flavors, turning a superior sandwich into a phenomenon.




意味 正しく; 当然.

Lug your luggage into Zuni Café and order the righteously famous chicken for two, for one. Eat what you can, then ask them to pack the rest to go—to pick at on the plane, of course, but also to save all the bones and scraps for later kitchen use, as the foundation of a remarkable chicken stock. (Credit for this is due to my friend Tom, a person of uncommon food genius.)


a loaf of bread

意味 ひと塊のパン, 1 斤のパン

If your flight out of O’Hare is on a weekend, and early-ish in the day, make a pit stop at Pan Artesanal Bakery and buy up absolutely anything they’ve still got in stock. A loaf of one of their breads, wrapped up tight, makes for a week of exceptional post-travel sandwiches. Maybe try one with ham? ♦
