【The New York Times】Restaurant Review: Superiority Burger Has the Courage of Its Quirks

hamburgers and fries on tray 英語ニュース多読


Restaurant Review: Superiority Burger Has the Courage of Its Quirks
Brooks Headley could have cloned his wildly popular vegetarian spot. Instead, its new space doubles down on idiosyncrasy...



意味 (英)1 度しか行わないもの.

Mr. Headley has never seemed interested in the obvious, though. He is a partner in a Superiority Burger in Tokyo, but says he sees it as a one-off, not the start of a chain. And the new, relocated Superiority Burger is far more rewarding and fun than any fast-casual outlet will ever be.


glide path

意味 the course followed by an aircraft or spacecraft when descending for a landing.

To turn the restaurant into a chain would have meant simplifying and standardizing it, so it could run on a glide path. Instead Mr. Headley complicated it, populating it with odd details, semiprivate jokes and idiosyncratic characters. Few restaurants would be harder to clone.




意味 (ガラス· 陶器· 金属などの) 破片.

Most obviously, there is stuffed cabbage, once available at a dozen Ukrainian and Polish kitchens in the East Village, though it was rarely filled with such a savory blend of mushrooms and sticky rice, or covered with a tomato-ginger gravy darkened with fresh blackberries. Are the vinegared beets with fresh dill, fried hard-pretzel shards and dense schmears of jalapeño cream cheese a sideways glance at borscht?



意味 [C]流行の先端を行く人.

At first glance, Superiority Burger might strike you as just another hipster retro joint infatuated with the visual style of diners and coffee shops. One thing that might give you that idea is the paper hat that Mr. Headley wears.



意味 to remove dirty dishes from

But I suspect it’s more than a style to him, having watched him dash around the tables, bussing plates, delivering tofu-skin subs and telling a table of new regulars how he made a pot of beans first thing each morning. I don’t think he wants Superiority Burger to imitate a local coffee shop; he wants it to be one.



意味 恣意的な; 〈行動などが〉勝手な

At times Superiority Burger can seem to be composed entirely of unnecessary grace notes, arbitrary ambitions and whispered messages that may or may not be understood. (Why, when you go to the restroom, do you hear the jingles that play when the doors close on the Tokyo subway?)




意味 [C][U]奇抜さ, 珍しさ, 特異性.

Cementing all this willful oddity together, though, are solid, mainstream restaurant values. The servers, who seem to be having as much fun as anybody, are serious about helping you get the most out of your meal. You get real answers to your questions, not the rote recitations you get at expensive Michelin-bait tasting rooms, where the servers’ eyes flash with panic when they have to ad lib.
