【Metro】The Big Happiness Interview: Why saying f*** it will make you happier



The Big Happiness Interview: Why saying f*** it will make you happier
'When you say F*** It you stop worrying (generally), give up worrying (mainly) and end up being happy to be yourself in ...

結構有名な本「F*** It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way」著者のインタビュー記事。

F**k It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way
Saying Fuck It is like massage for the mind - relaxing …

When you say F*** It you stop worrying (generally), give up worrying (mainly) and end up being happy to be yourself in the present moment (if you’re lucky.)


↑の引用文を読んで、即実践してるw 「死ねばいいのに」より「F*** It」って呟くほうが英語学習者としてもいいよね!w


意味 [C][~s]豆類; 豆のなる植物.

‘It’s a spiritual way that doesn’t require chanting, meditating, wearing sandals or eating pulses,’ he laughs.


loom large

意味 〈問題· 心配事が〉立ちはだかる, 非常に気にかかる

F*** It is about keeping things in perspective even when the frightening details are looming large.



意味 [~ A (+[副])]A を急に動かす, 急に引く [ひねる, 押す, 突く, 投げる] ([副]は方向などの表現)

The problem for most of us in the Western world – stressed‑out, uptight, anxious and controlling as we are – is that we need something with the power of an expression like F*** It to jerk us into a more relaxed state.


swear word

意味 [C]ののしり, 口汚い言葉 (swear word).

It’s funny after years of describing the effect of F*** It in this way, I read about a study of people who’d had damage to the left brain, and thus had trouble with speech. As these people could easily say swear words, however, the study concluded that, unlike all other language (which is generated in the left brain), swear words must be generated in the right brain, or across both hemispheres.




意味 [複合語で]…を多く持った, 抱えた

Anxiety, most of it’s about doom laden scenarios into the future. We have no idea what’s going to happen into the future, but we create a false idea world of what might happen, whereas it hasn’t happened yet. It’s entirely mentally created.


be up for A

意味 (話)A に乗り気で, A したい気分で

If you’re up for it, say this to yourself a few times: ‘I am okay with things passing and fading away in my life. I will be okay no matter what happens to me and those around me. I let go of my hold on life and allow life simply to flow around me and through me.’




意味 (ややくだけて) 不平を言う, 愚痴をこぼす (on)

Start to enjoy feeling good inside yourself. And realise that you don’t need to moan and criticize. If you do feel crap inside (like we all do sometimes), try to accept that feeling, too, without looking for things outside yourself to blame it on.



意味 〈人が〉 哀れみ [情け] 深い

I think what gets easier is one’s ability to understand what’s going on and to see through your own patterns, and maybe to see through a lot of people’s patterns as well, which makes it easier to be compassionate with them and yourself.


