【The Daily Meal】What Makes Hungarian Stuffed Peppers Unique?

orange bell peppers on white ceramic plate 英語ニュース多読


What Makes Hungarian Stuffed Peppers Unique? - The Daily Meal
Hungarian stuffed peppers have many ingredients in common with other versions of the dish, but one ingredient stands out...



意味 (…が [を]) 急増する [させる].

Good ideas proliferate, and this truism goes double in the culinary world. The concept of stuffing a bell pepper with ground meat, rice, and vegetables has a probable history and extends far beyond its written one — and there are two stuffed pepper recipes in Fanny Farmer’s famous 1896 cookbook.


発音は「 /prəlɪ́fərèɪt/ 」


意味 [文修飾]専門的に [厳密に] 言うと

Okay — technically, there are two ingredients that distinguish Hungarian stuffed peppers. The second one is the sour cream garnish (Hungarians absolutely cannot do without the stuff). While finishing your Hungarian stuffed peppers with a generous dollop of sour cream (or crème fraiche) is highly recommended, that part is optional — but using Hungarian paprika is not. But why? Isn’t all paprika the same?




意味 〈人が〉〈物· 事〉を熟考する, じっくり考える (consider)

To answer that question, we must first contemplate wine. If you’ve ever had the good fortune to compare a big, buttery California chardonnay to a more minerally French white Burgundy like a Pouilly-Fuissé, you probably wouldn’t recognize that both are made from the same grape on taste alone.


like a house on fire

意味 (くだけた話) どんどん, すみやかに, すらすらと, じゃんじゃん

Just like the bell pepper, Capiscum annum was also introduced to Europe around the end of the 15th century, making its way to Hungary about a hundred years later. As it turned out, those two got on like a house on fire, with the plant not only flourishing in many regions but becoming the defining ingredient in Hungary’s national dish: chicken paprikash.




意味 豊富な.

The kind of Hungarian paprika you’re most likely to come by in the United States is a fulsome, sweet, vibrantly red-hued variety known as édesnemes, though in the store it should simply be labeled “Sweet Hungarian Paprika.”



意味 (焼けつくように) 辛い, ぴりっとする〈食べ物· 飲み物〉.

As for what kind of Hungarian paprika you choose, that’s up to you — because they smoke their spice too (here’s a primer on the difference between sweet and smoked paprika), also offering fiery versions as well as sweet.


