【The Daily Meal】What Is Polish Egg Salad And What Does It Taste Like

green vegetable on brown wooden table 英語ニュース多読


What Is Polish Egg Salad And What Does It Taste Like? - The Daily Meal
Polish egg salad may seem similar to the classic American side dish in appearance, but there are a few key differences -...


tried and true

意味 実証済みの.

No Easter breakfast in Poland is complete without pasta jajeczna. The name translates to English as “egg paste,” but Americans will likely recognize it as the tried-and-true favorite, egg salad. In many ways, it’s the perfect embodiment of Polish cuisine: hearty, comforting, and unpretentious. In keeping with these values, Polish food makes good use of staple food groups like meat, dairy, eggs, and starches. Pasta jajeczna is all about celebrating eggs.



意味 (おどけて) お決まりの, それにつきものの.

Many types of egg salad are enjoyed around the world, but Poland keeps it simple. A typical recipe for pasta jajeczna uses only hard-boiled eggs, mayonnaise, fresh chives, and the obligatory salt and pepper. It’s similar to classic American egg salad, so if you’re familiar with that old picnic staple, you have a good idea of what the Polish version tastes like.




意味 主に, たいてい; 圧倒的に

Eggs are a prominent symbol of Easter globally, but nowhere does this ring more true than in Poland. The predominantly Catholic nation celebrates the entire Holy Week, beginning on Palm Sunday and culminating with Śmigus Dyngus, aka Wet Monday, which seems like one of the coolest holidays ever conceived (it’s literally an all-day water fight). Throughout the week, eggs are everywhere, serving decorative, ritualistic, and culinary purposes.



意味 (かたく)〈類似点· 関係など〉を有する; 〈署名· 印· 特徴など〉がある

It’s important to emphasize that the people of Poland don’t refer to this dish as egg salad. Pasta jajeczna is egg paste, but when this recipe is served in the United States, it naturally gets likened to the American side dish to which it bears a resemblance. In Poland, references to egg salad could be interpreted as a completely different dish: sałatka jarzynowa.


