【The Daily Meal】The Ancient Roman Roots Of Pesto

green leaves and gray spoon 英語ニュース多読


The Ancient Roman Roots Of Pesto - The Daily Meal
If you're a fan of pesto, whether you make it at home or not, this is for you. Here's everything you need to know about ...

自炊しないから全く縁が無いんだけどw あとパンやタコス文化じゃないと馴染み薄いわね。


意味 新参者, 初心者 (beginner), 未熟者

Whether you add it to your chicken, throw it on a sandwich, or eat it straight from the jar with a cracker, there’s no denying that pesto is delicious in all its simplicity. Requiring only a handful of basic ingredients, most pesto recipes are accessible and simple for even the most novice of home cooks. If you have pine nuts, basil, parmesan, and a few other pantry ingredients, plus a food processor or a mortar and pestle, you’re well on your way to making fresh pesto.



意味 ジェノバ (人) の (イタリア名 Genovese).

Genoa and the larger region of Liguria, in general, are known for taking their food seriously, and pesto is no exception. Genoese-derived pesto incorporates ingredients that you’d be hard-pressed to find elsewhere. Sure, you could pick up some parm at your local grocery store and swing by the produce section for some basil. However, Genoese basil is specifically considered one of the best varieties money can buy for its unique flavor. Similarly, olive oil from Liguria boasts a one-of-a-kind flavor, as does the regional parmesan. Just like the first record of modern pesto can be found in Genoese literature, so can the first record of parmesan.




意味 隣接して, 隣の; 付近の

Between the Roman moretum and the Genoese pesto that we know and love today, another form of pesto or something that’s at least pesto-adjacent existed, also developed in Genoa, with recordings of the recipe traced back to the Middle Ages. This variant was a mixture of nuts and garlic, with no basil, known as agliata. The recipe also called for walnuts instead of pine nuts. Agliata is very similar to prior Roman dishes, like moretum, but unlike the Roman pesto, agliata is still eaten today, particularly around Liguria.



意味 解釈; 説明 (すること)

While traditional pesto is forever connected to Genoa, other regions of Italy do boast their own versions of pesto that are somewhat similar to the Genoese take but with a few unique twists. For example, one of the most prominent interpretations comes from Sicily, where you’ll find pesto rosso or red pesto.




意味 …を砕く; …をすりつぶす (down, up)

Since there are so many different dishes one could feasibly make by pounding a mixture of ingredients in a mortar, there are also a few different dishes that are either called pesto or that are connected to the history of pesto in some way, regardless of how close the ingredients lists actually are.

