【The Daily Meal】Reducetarian Vs. Flexitarian Diet: Does A Difference Really Exist?

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Reducetarian Vs. Flexitarian Diet: Does A Difference Really Exist? - The Daily Meal
The food world loves to label different diets: vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, kosher, halal - the list goes on. What ab...



意味 (かたく)〈人が〉〈不必要な物· 人〉を削除 [排除] する, 除く

As a combination of the words “flexible” and “vegetarian,” the flexitarian diet involves mostly avoiding meat and fish intake but allowing occasional exceptions. This diet may be a good option for someone who wants to eat more plant-based foods, but is not willing to completely give up meat. It was made popular by dietician Dawn Jackson Blatner. Her 2008 book, “The Flexitarian Diet,” outlines the inclusive eating plan, which is designed to gradually guide people to eat more vegetables without completely eliminating meat.




意味 〈物· 事が〉…を含む, 取り入れる

Unlike a lot of diets, Blatner’s flexitarian diet is more of a lifestyle choice, as it does not have strict rules or calorie restrictions. Its principles are to eat mostly fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains; focus on plant proteins; be flexible and incorporate animal products occasionally; eat less processed foods; and limit sugar and sweets. As the name suggests, it’s all about flexibility.



意味 [U][時に a ~] 程度, 度合い, 段階 (extent)

Flexitarian diets involve similar foods as reducetarian diets since they are both primarily plant-based but allow occasional animal products. The Reducetarian Foundation defines the diet as the practice of eating less meat — red meat, poultry, and seafood — as well as less dairy and fewer eggs, regardless of the degree or motivation.”


