【Metro】The Big Happiness Interview: Why living booze-free can make you happy



The Big Happiness Interview: Why living booze-free can make you happy
'When you ditch the booze, you get braver.'



意味 [通例 one’s ~/a ~]<…という> 理解, 認識 <that 節>

Initially, I would never have thought there was any connection. Our perception is that sober people are boring and miserable. When I decided to stop drinking alcohol, I thought life would be awful. But that’s the opposite of what happens. Being sober makes you happy. In the early days, I remember waking up and thinking: ‘What is this feeling? I don’t recognise it.’ Then I realised it was a contentment that I had not felt since I was a kid.




意味 [U][C] 誤解, 勘違い, 思い違い

We have such a misconception around this word. We’ve been brainwashed into thinking that there are two types of drinkers. There are those who are ‘alcoholics’ at rock bottom, needing rehabilitation who are clinically dependent and can’t really function without alcohol. And then we think there’s a second group where everybody else are just happy social drinkers and we’re all fine. That’s just not true.



意味 (かたく) 有害な; 害 [損害] を与える, 不利益な .

The reality is studies show that any amount of alcohol is detrimental. There are zero benefits. Most of us know what a hangover feels like. We can feel depressed and anxious and ashamed, not to mention the fact that we feel physically sick. We’ve got a headache and we’re dehydrated, and on and on and on. Then we go and do it all again the next night.




意味 過敏な, 受けつけない .

That’s what’s so weird about alcohol. If anyone is allergic or intolerant to a food – like shellfish, you eat it once, you’re horribly ill and then you never touch it again. So why do we continue to drink? Because we have this perception that we that we can’t have fun or can’t exist without booze.



pop in

意味 (主に英· くだけた話) ちょっと立ち寄る (drop in).

Start with the curiosity. We’ve all done that thing of waking up with a hangover and saying: ‘Right, that’s it, I’m never drinking again.’ And then by six o’clock, the wine witch pops in and says: ‘Oh, don’t be ridiculous, just have one.’ So instead set aside time and ask yourself: ‘What could my life look like if I was free from this trap?’ See if you can visualise a tiny part of how it might feel.




意味 満足 (していること); 幸福感 (happiness)

It’s different for everyone but I got to three months before I realised I was no longer anxious. I started feeling a sense of contentment too, but that didn’t happen to me until three months. But most people will drop some weight, have clear skin, better sleep, even shinier hair. Sober hair, who knew?




意味 〈赤ん坊が〉元気いっぱいの, はちきれるような; 健康的な, 活発な.

Get a journal and document what’s happening for you. I’ve had clients, who after a couple of weeks, realise that they are more patient with their kids, or they are suddenly bouncing out of bed at 6am and hitting the gym without feeling grumpy. After 10 weeks, some say they get their purpose back. It’s different for everyone but it’s motivational to keep an account of what’s working. Also get a glass jar and save money and watch it mount up.




意味 〈痛みなどの感覚〉を弱める, 失わせる.

Let’s be clear about this – alcohol doesn’t give you confidence, it just numbs you so you don’t care as much. It’s a depressant. But that’s not to say your first social occasions without alcohol are not tough. You can feel like a completely different person. And often you haven’t quite stepped into your new sober identity yet so you can feel very raw and exposed.


発音は「 /nʌm/ 」
