【Eater NY】A Place to Find a Green Chile Burger That’s Been Here All Along

burger on white and green plate 英語ニュース多読


A Place to Find a Green Chile Burger That’s Been Here All Along
The Billy burger with or without Hatch chiles at Cobble Hill’s Two8Two



意味 気取らない, (能力などを) ひけらかさない; 謙虚な, つつましい (modest).

Whether you’re the minimalist burger type or you’d go for a Hatch chile burger — now found across the city at places like Santa Fe BK or Revelie Luncheonette, and before that Mission Cantina — they’re both an option Two8Two Bar and Burger, an unassuming spot at 282 Atlantic Avenue, near Smith Street, in Cobble Hill, that’s been open since 2011.


take the plunge

意味 (長期間延期した後 [悩んだ末]) 思い切ったことをやる; 結婚する.

Prior to opening, bar owner Billy Thanopoulos recipe-tested these burgers at burger nights he and his wife would host at their apartment around the corner. “Everyone who came over was like, ‘Dude, you have to start a restaurant,’” he says. A finance and real estate guy, he took the plunge, built out a kitchen in a former law office, and opened Two8Two.



意味 [U]チャック (chuck steak) (牛の首から肩までの肉).

The burgers are a blend of chuck, brisket, and short rib in equal parts — like a beefy Negroni — delivered every day from Paisanos, the time-honored butcher down the street, in the neighborhood since 1965. This isn’t a rocket science burger. It’s a five-ounce ball of meat, plopped on the flattop, pressed into a not-too-thin, not-too-thick patty with a spatula, sprinkled with olive oil and salt, and left alone to do its thing.



意味 (くだけて)柔らかい .

The result is a burger that’s thick and juicy but compactable; the bun is squishy but well toasted; the chile heat hums, but gently; and the fat drips out with a gentle squeeze.



意味 (くだけて)[通例[名]の前で]まずまずの, けっこうよい, 満足できる; 相当な, かなりの

There’s nothing particularly unusual about this burger — and that’s the point. “Good meat cooked the right way, decent bun, some cheese, some sauce, that’s it,” Thanopoulos says. “I just want to go for simplicity.”


