【Big Think】Rich and faithful? Here’s what 5 major religions say about money

green plant on brown round coins 英語ニュース多読


意味 [[名]の前で]考古学 (上) の

Whether it be for numbers on a bank screen or a fairytale’s bag of gold, the want of riches is as old as human society itself. According to our best archaeological evidence, “money” dates back at least 5,000 years. And, given that the oldest of holy books we have — a toss-up between Hinduism’s Rigveda and the Jewish Tanakh — were written around 1,300 BCE, it makes sense that the major world religions would have a lot to say about money.



意味 =Koran.[the ~]コーラン, クルアーン (イスラムの教典; the Holy ~, the Qur (‘)an ともいう).

But, as you can imagine, the messages are not often clear. While Timothy 6:10 is a famous Bible passage, it’s obvious to anyone who’s taken even a passing look at the Catholic Church or Christians worldwide that there’s a lot of money-loving going on. Likewise, while the Qur’an, Dhammapada, Bhagavad Gita, and Tanakh all feature explicit proscriptions against excessive wealth, the world is swimming with very rich Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and Jews.



from the get-go

意味 (米· くだけて) 最初から.

One thing needs to be made clear from the get-go: No major holy text today is in favor of unbridled greed, obscene wealth, or nefarious methods of earning. But that isn’t to say they teach that money is always bad.




意味 (計画· 理論· 問題· 話などの) 要素, 一部.

But there is another strand of Buddhism that is quite subtle. While you ought not to attach to money, you can also recognize the great potential for good in money. In the same way that Hindus believe Artha is necessary to Dharma, some Buddhists maintain that wealth acquisition is fine so long as it’s redistributed and used virtuously.



意味 [通例[形]の前で]そもそも, 本質的に〈間違った· 危ない· 不安定ななど〉.

There is nothing inherently wrong with wealth in both Jewish scholarship and the Tanakh. Money and riches, as all things, are to be given and taken by God. As Deuteronomy 8:18 puts it, “But remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth.” Unlike in Christianity and Islam, Jews were never forbidden from moneylending, which is why, historically, they took on the role of bankers and loan providers.


