【Big Think】5 sci-fi utopias that will seduce you (and likely freak you out)



5 sci-fi utopias that will seduce you (and likely freak you out)
Sci-fi is great, but how does it do with utopias? Here are 5 science fiction utopias that might not be as perfect as the...


have more than one’s fair share of A

意味 A〈いやなことなど〉がありすぎる

Science fiction and fantasy are often used to examine the world we live in, so it’s no wonder that the genres have delivered more than their fair share of utopian literature. However, not every allegedly perfect place is as perfect as it seems, even if the technology is (to paraphrase Arthur C. Clarke) indistinguishable from magic. Here are five engrossing sci-fi and fantasy novels exploring worlds you might or might not want to live in.



意味 先駆者, 先駆け; 原型, 前身.

The novel, often considered a forerunner of the sci-fi genre, follows a fantastic journey through the North Pole to a surreal realm populated by vibrantly colored talking animals and spirits. The traveler, a young woman, becomes Empress on account of her feminine virtues and intellect.



意味 (派生的) 結果, 影響, 成り行き (consequence, effect).

The first of several utopian works by H.G. Wells, who is known as one of the founders of the science fiction genre, A Modern Utopia focuses more directly on social issues than some of his other works. Committed to socialism in real life, Wells was always interested in the social ramifications of his science fiction ideas. Many of his novels, well known for their fantastic plot lines, are just as focused on social problems as on Martian Tripods.



意味 [U] [哲/文学] 脱構築, デコンストラクション.

The first book in “The Giver Quartet” by Lois Lowry, The Giver is a brilliant deconstruction of the utopian genre, intended for a young adult audience. Widely praised, it is also frequently banned, coming in at 61st on the list of the 100 most banned and challenged books in America for 2010-2019.


The Giverって洋書入門としてよくおすすめされてるけど、小説は邦訳読んどかないと難しいのよね。


意味 〈作品などが〉著者の死後に出版された

A posthumously published novel by Robert A. Heinlein, For Us, The Living examines the United States in 2086 as viewed by a man who mysteriously returns from the dead after his demise in 1939. Heinlein would later explore many of the themes laid out here, such as personal liberty, free love, time travel, and the use of technology.

