【zen habits】On the Shortness of Life



On the Shortness of Life - zen habits
“You live as if you were destined to live forever, no thought of your frailty ever enters your head, of how much time ...

セネカの「shortness of life」について。邦訳版がたまにAmazonのプライムリーディング対象になってる。


意味 [be ~ for A/to do]A〈職業· 地位〉に向かう […する] 運命である

“You live as if you were destined to live forever, no thought of your frailty ever enters your head, of how much time has already gone by you take no heed. You squander time as if you drew from a full and abundant supply, though all the while that day which you bestow on some person or thing is perhaps your last.”~Seneca



意味 熟考, じっくり考えること; 瞑想

We could use a daily contemplation on how limited our time is in this life. Most of us avoid thinking about it, or get worked up or sad when we think about it. But it’s a powerful contemplation.


take A for granted

意味 A〈事· 物· 人など〉を当たり前 [当然] とみなす [考える]; (当たり前として)A (の存在· 助力· 努力など) を評価 [考慮, 感謝] しない, 軽視する

We could ignore the very limited nature of this life, and take it for granted, and find ourselves at the end of our lives with regret that we didn’t use it more wisely.



意味 〈人などが〉<ささいな事で> くよくよする, 気をもむ (worry); いらだつ <about>

We could fret about the limited nature of our lives, get sad or fall apart about it. We do that because we believe it should be some other way. But that’s just another way to take for granted what we’ve been given.


keep one’s nose to the grindstone

意味 (くだけて) あくせく働く.

Do we want to spend the limited time we have putting our noses to the grindstone and trying to do what we think we should do? Do we want to spend it feeling dull?



意味 (かたく· 文)[単数形で]厳しい試練 (の状況 [場]).

Could we view this life as a crucible that helps forge us, that helps uncover who we really are? And embrace the struggles as a beautiful place of learning and wonder?




意味 <…する> (特定の) 傾向, (個人の) 性癖; (一般的な) 風潮, 趨勢 <to do> (しばしば良くない風潮を示す; trend は物事の一般的傾向)

We might wonder what is the meaning of this short life, what’s the point of it all? It’s almost like we’re hoping someone will reveal the meaning of things to us — here’s what it’s all about, take some notes. It our tendency to look for answers from outside of ourselves.



意味 (切符のように) 短い期間しか使われない; 〈昆虫· 植物などが〉1 日限りの, 短命の, はかない (transitory).

The Japanese have a term, “mono no aware,” that speaks to this impermanent, ephemeral nature to all things. It’s so sweet, tinged with some sadness, because everything we care about is beautiful and fleeting. This fleetingness only makes things more precious.


