【The New Yorker】The Unbreakable Rules of the Chicago Dog—and When to Bend Them



The Unbreakable Rules of the Chicago Dog—and When to Bend Them
In the Windy City, brook no compromises. Everywhere else, work with what you’ve got.

ピザと同じく、エリアごとに全然違ったりするんだろうかと軽く読み始めたら“No ketchup”でふいた。過激派やんw


意味 〈蓄え· 収入· 食料などが〉(必要な量に達しなくて) 乏しい, 不十分な, わずかな; (質的に) 粗末な

The Chicago dog was a product of the Great Depression, when venders at the city’s Maxwell Street Market bulked out meagre sausage sandwiches with a dramatic pile of relatively cheap vegetables. Like any other hot dog, it was an affordable meal, fast to prepare and fast to eat, that appealed to Chicago’s working-class population.




意味 [[名]の前で]典礼 (式) の.

Over time, this food of convenience evolved into a holy cultural object, until the act of building a proper Chicago dog demanded a degree of attention and care that verged on the liturgical. Among the devout, none of the dog’s nine individual elements is unimportant, and any deviation amounts to sacrilege. The bun is steamed, never toasted, and must come bedecked with poppy seeds. The sausage is boiled or steamed, not grilled, and all-beef, never a blend.




意味 [通例 one’s ~](特により有名な) 同名の人 [物].

Like Chicago’s other iconic foods, the city’s namesake hot dog has achieved a degree of far-flung fame. But finding a truly decent version elsewhere can prove challenging. There was a time when a homesick Chicagoan could find the wiener of her youth at Shake Shack or any Sonic Drive-In. But in recent years it seemed to quietly fall out of circulation.



意味 [通例[名]の前で]細心の注意を払った, 徹底した, 綿密 [入念] な

But if I’m craving a Chicago dog and I’m not within a geographically reasonable distance of a Jewel-Osco supermarket or a street vender flying a Vienna Beef umbrella, I’m not going to let orthodoxy get in the way of joy. You don’t need to painstakingly paste individual poppy seeds onto a plain bun using tweezers and sugar glue. You don’t need to douse normal pickle relish with a bottle of lurid food coloring.



意味 〈事が〉〈人の経験· 知識の限界〉を越える, 超越する

Ultimately, the spirit of the Chicago dog transcends gatekeeping and sticklerism—plain buns, regular relish, and a pepperoncini or two get the job done with aplomb. One of Chicago’s very best specimens, at Superdawg Drive-In, swaps out the holy-writ fresh tomatoes for pickled green ones, to such terrific effect that none of the snitty purists really seem to care.



意味 [U][具体例では[C]](食物にかける) ソース; 付け合わせ (ピクルスなど)

Use a split-top bun or a standard sausage roll, whatever relish is nearby, and whatever pickled pepper hits your Scoville sweet spot. Work with what you have, adhere to the blueprint as best you can, and you will build something beautiful: a hot dog dragged through a garden of earthly delights. And then, five bites later, it’ll be gone, and you can make yourself another one. ♦


