【The Daily Meal】You Need To Start Making Your Scrambled Eggs Hong Kong-Style

crackers near sliced strawberry, kiwi, and blueberry fruits beside sliced boiled eggs 英語ニュース多読


You Need To Start Making Your Scrambled Eggs Hong Kong-Style - The Daily Meal
It's no secret that eggs are a hero ingredient come breakfast (or brunch) time. If you love simple scrambled eggs, start...

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意味 [[名]の前で]残りの, 残留している (remaining).

Cooking over residual heat, tilting the pan, and stacking the eggs in the center creates a unique, softly scrambled texture.


evaporated milk

意味 無糖練乳, エバミルク.

Hong Kong-style scrambles are made with corn or potato starch, which gives them a thicker texture than other types of scrambles. Apart from that, Hong Kong-style eggs may contain beef satay or corned beef, evaporated milk, butter, salt, white pepper, and other ingredients. For example, some people also add sesame oil, sugar, or chives to the mix. The finished product is mild and subtle, with a hint of sweetness.




意味 [通例[名]の前で]求められている, 引っぱりだこの; 珍重される.

This savory dish tastes great in its traditional preparation, but you can add your own twist to Hong Kong-style scrambled eggs or try different versions. For example, some chefs stir chicken powder into the egg mixture, which gives it a deep, rich flavor. Another option is to swap ham for corned beef or luncheon meat to achieve that sought-after umami taste.
