【The Daily Meal】What Makes A Spanish Potato Omelet Unique?



What Makes A Spanish Potato Omelet Unique? - The Daily Meal
If you've never heard of a Spanish potato omelet before, you might think that it's similar to the diner classic. It's no...



意味 [文修飾; しばしば最上級· 比較級の前で]まず間違いなく, きっと, おそらく (反対が見込まれる主張に十分な根拠があることを示す)

The tortilla española (or Spanish tortilla) is arguably one of the most delicious egg and potato dishes there is. Made with fork-tender potatoes, whisked eggs, and slivers of onion cooked to perfection — it’s one of those dishes that you can eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Just don’t expect any leftovers regardless of the time of day.


wing it

意味 (米· くだけて) (準備なしに) ぶっつけ本番で行う.

The hardest part about making a Spanish tortilla is getting the flip right so that it stays in one piece — but as long as it’s cooked properly there shouldn’t be a problem. To ensure that everything comes out right, a good recipe for tortilla española is super important. This isn’t the sort of dish you want to wing the first time. While the steps aren’t complicated, it is important to be precise.




意味 (くだけて) (…を [が]) (上下 [左右] に) せわしく [小刻みに] 揺り動かす [揺れ動く] (about, up and down, around)

The potatoes need to be thinly sliced or cubed and fried until they are soft. The same is done with the onion. They’re then allowed to cool for a short while and combined with the whipped eggs. From there, everything goes into a pan where the mixture cooks until the bottom is done and the top is starting to firm up but still jiggles.




意味 (長期間に及ぶ) 飢饉; 極度の食糧不足

Together the stories suggest that it was developed out of a need to feed many people when there was little food available. Indeed, potatoes were first imported to Spain as animal feed and didn’t become an important source of food for people until famine struck. From such humble beginnings, the potato omelet rose to important cultural significance, becoming the country’s national dish.




意味 〈人· 物· 情報など〉を除外する; あえて省く; うっかり落とす ((ややかたく) 響くので日常英語では leave out の方が普通)

Tortilla española is now eaten all over Spain and is found everywhere from the family table to local tapas bars. There is some controversy within the country over whether onions belong in the dish, so they may be omitted in many family recipes. Also of note, and another way in which it is distinct from other types of omelets — while it can be eaten warm or cold, tortilla española is generally eaten at room temperature within Spain.


