【MovieWeb】Tom Cruise’s Best Movies, Ranked by Rotten Tomatoes Score



Tom Cruise's Best Movies, Ranked by Rotten Tomatoes Score
Tom Cruise's career is full of box office successes, incredible stunts, and great directors. Here are his best movies, a...



意味 [U][単数扱い]ビリヤード, 玉突き

Tom Cruise’s career expands for more than four decades, during which he worked with incredible directors (Spielberg, Kubrick, Scorsese, and Paul Thomas Anderson, to name a few), before becoming a crazy stuntman, who also can start a film. He’s been a pilot, a barman, a killer, a spy, a billiards master, and has saved humanity from aliens, just to name a few of his most famous roles. Here are his best movies according to Rotten Tomatoes.


before becoming a crazy stuntmanとかさ、トム・クルーズについて書くとなぜか少し面白くなっちゃうよねw


意味 (英)[[名]の前で]追いつ追われつの; なぶる [じらす] ような.

Michael Mann’s Collateral is a double-hander between Cruise as Vincent the killer, and Jamie Foxx as Max the cab driver. This cat-and-mouse story is all about these two characters and how good both are at their jobs.



意味 [U]堂々たる態度; 華々しさ

Cruise, Newman, and Scorsese; that’s The Color of Money’s secret formula. The film might be a sequel to Newman’s The Hustler, but you can see both actors and the director having a great time with it. Cruise plays Vincent with as much panache as possible, contrasting with Newman’s more discreet attitude about playing pool. Newman won an Academy Award for his performance in this movie, and Cruise spent time with two of the greatest ever, while also learning how to play pool.



意味 [C] [心] 自閉症の (人).

Rain Man is the story of two brothers on a road trip together. Although the showiest part is Dustin Hoffman as autistic brother Raymond (for which Hoffman won an Academy Award for Best Actor), the movie wouldn’t work without Cruise’s Charlie. His character is not great for much of the film, but bit by bit, scene by scene, he starts to understand his older brother, and in the end, you believe he’ll come back to see him soon.




意味 [C] [解剖] (眼球の) 網膜.

Minority Report had both Cruise and Steven Spielberg at the top of their powers, in a unique story about predicting crimes before they happened. Based on a Philip K. Dick short story, the film had many philosophical ideas, while also showing a future that’s not far away from ours (advertisement spam when you enter a store because they know you through your retina isn’t that far away).




意味 [~ A for [into] B/B from A]A〈原作など〉を B〈映画· ドラマなど〉に改作 [翻案, 編曲] する (しばしば受け身で)

Although it was adapted from a Japanese manga, “What if we did Groundhog Day, but fighting aliens” could’ve been the pitch for Edge of Tomorrow. The film stars Cruise as a cowardly marketing executive in the fight against the aliens. After getting mixed with a strange alien substance and dying, his character keeps repeating the same day; D-Day against the aliens, over and over again.


Edge of Tomorrowはアマプラにあったので見た。「トム・クルーズだからいいけど、これなろうだよな」って思ったら日本原作ってことで腑に落ちました。


意味 [C]売春宿.

Risky Business made Tom Cruise a star. He was still very young, and playing the charismatic Joel made him into an A-lister, and he has been one since. The story of a kid that transforms his home into a brothel when his parents aren’t home, and falls in love with a woman with a bad reputation would never get made today, but it was the perfect opportunity to show Cruise’s charm and angst in a film that gets more and more thrilling as it goes along.




意味 [C]敵, 敵国; (スポーツ· 試合などでの) 対戦相手.

Mission: Impossible – Fallout has some of the best stunts in the franchise (at least until the next one). Ethan Hunt (Cruise) battles his biggest adversary yet, Walker/John Lark (Henry Cavill) and the apostles, in the film that had everything; skydiving, bathroom brawls, helicopter driving, Paris persecutions, and so much Cruise running (he even broke his ankle in one jump after a long-running sequence).


最新作トレイラーで、Ethanがバイクで崖から落ちるじゃないですか。だからさ、MI世界でWalker/John Larkが生きてても全く問題ないと思うんだよ…w 続編のどこかで、また出てほしいなあ。
